Nau Mai Haere Mai
Welcome to Poutama Trust
Poutama is an independent charitable trust established in 1988 to provide business development services to Māori. Poutama strives to create an environment for successful business ventures and economic growth for Māori. Income generated from its investments enables Poutama to engage in activities and provide services that support and facilitate Māori business development.
Tā Mātou Kawepūrongo – Our Latest News
Open Public Submissions – Treaty Principles Bill
We must continue our collective efforts by submitting a public submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. The Bill aims to enshrine the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in legislation, [...]
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu have been undertaking regional resource workshops, highlighting their upcoming investment opportunities. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for upcoming events which will be held across Te Waipounamu in [...]
Prepare your business for annual closedowns
With the holiday season approaching, many businesses will be temporarily closing their doors. Ensure your business is fully prepared by managing annual leave entitlements and understanding the legal requirements around employee rights. Set yourself [...]
KUMA Māori Business Breakfast Hui
Nau mai, haere mai! Please join the team for their last breakfast hui for 2024!! 🗓 Date: Friday, 6 December ⏰ Time: 8.00am- 9.00am 📍 Venue: Taste Nature, High Street, Dunedin Please join KUMA [...]
Provincial Growth Fund Programme
Poutama was proud to partner with MBIE to deliver the Poutama ki te taumata: Accelerating Māori enterprise development programme
The programme utilised $5 million from the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) and made this pūtea/funding available to existing regional Pakihi Māori/Māori business across Aotearoa New Zealand.
The funding support was for capital investment to increase productivity, increase job numbers and allow businesses to invest in regional economic development initiatives like construction and infrastructure.
Given the economic impacts of COVID-19, the programme had a strong focus on supporting enterprises that created new jobs, and in turn positively contributed to local and regional community resilience.
Manaakitanga | Supporting Māori Business Projects
Clusters, Coalitions and Collectives
Te Pūtea Pakihi Māori | Māori Business Funding
The Business Development Investment (BDI) enables businesses to investigate innovative ideas to help consolidate and grow. The BDI can assist with the purchase of products and/or services that will help strengthen a business. BDI can also support business owners/employees to upskill.
Apply Online
Investment assistance for investigation, growth and trainingConditions and Criteria
To apply for Poutama investment you must meet the following conditions and tick the check box next to each.
Keep updated with the latest news and events related to Māori businessRead our e-newsletter
View the February 2018 – E-Newsletter