
Opportunity or Threat for Māori food producers?

By |July 13th, 2017|Categories: Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

While in San Francisco recently the Kai Rawa group got to experience the non-meat burger that looks like a burger, tastes like a burger, but isn’t. The burger produced by Impossible Foods is making [...]

Māori Wine Coalition

By |July 13th, 2017|Categories: Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Poutama’s Beverage Cluster is made up of wine, beer, water and craft non-alcoholic beverage companies. A meeting last year identified opportunities for enhancing their collaboration through economies of scale in areas such as production, [...]

An icon of New Zealand Maori Tourism Passes

By |March 27th, 2017|Categories: Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

By Oscar Nathan, GM Destination Rotorua - ex. Poutama Business Advisor and CEO of Tamaki Tours New Zealand tourism shines that less brighter with the unexpected passing earlier this month of one of the [...]

Bakers Delight Rotorua – Kiri Carston

By |March 27th, 2017|Categories: Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Iwi - Ngāti Rangiwewehi After 7 years of living in Victoria, Australia, with me looking after our two young boys and my husband working in the hospitality industry, we decided to come back to [...]

Being Innonative in Kawerau

By |March 27th, 2017|Categories: Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

In 2012, Te Manawa o Tūhoe, Ngati Awa and Poutama started brainstorming on the possibility of establishing a geothermal powered milk processing plant in Kawerau.  Fast forward to 2017 and the Kawerau dairy project [...]

DIGMYIDEA – Māori Innovation Challenge 2017

By |March 27th, 2017|Categories: Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit have always been a strong feature of Maoritanga (A Māori way of life).  From our ancestors who harnessed the natural elements and looked to the stars to navigate and [...]

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