Take your business from Survive to Thrive with the NZFIN Food & Beverage Accelerator

It’s a tough environment out there right now.  If you’re the founder of a food or beverage brand, chances are you’re in survival mode and cash is tighter than ever before.  You need to make sure that every cent you’re spending is going towards growth.

Join the upcoming NZFIN Food & Beverage Accelerator 6-month programme to get your business out of survival mode, grow into the future and take your business to the next level.

The Accelerator is a group programme designed to give you a 12-month growth plan that provides clarity & focus on how you’ll grow, AND the tools, personalised coaching and expert network to make it happen.

If you are interested and want to find out more, click on this link to hear more about the programme and register your interest.