Te Ōhanga Wāhine Māori

2024-07-23T07:41:09+12:00July 23rd, 2024|Business, Education, Finance, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

The Māori Women's Economy BERL was commissioned by Manatū Wāhine – Ministry for Women to estimate the size and nature of Te Ōhanga Wāhine Māori – the Māori women’s economy. This report represents the first major research study into the Māori women’s economy, marking the first formal calculation and inclusion of mahi tūao (unpaid work) [...]

Te Mātahi

2024-07-23T07:41:20+12:00July 23rd, 2024|Business, Finance, Innovation, Investment, Service|

ASB to propel rising Māori business stars To coincide with Matariki, ASB recently launched Te Mātahi, a new business lending programme aimed at supporting entrepreneurship and growing the Māori economy.  By providing access to capital, the programme will help established Māori businesses to upscale, alongside additional support. The programme will initially work with a small [...]

South Waikato Investment Fund Trust

2024-04-03T13:42:10+13:00April 3rd, 2024|Business, Finance, Innovation, Investment|

South Waikato Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) is a community-owned economic development fund dedicated to the growth and development of South Waikato. Established in 2014, the Trust was tasked with managing the investment fund by approving funding for economic development proposals.  In 2021 the Trust formed an operations team of 3 to further support and expand [...]

MWDI Programmes and Support

2024-03-06T09:34:37+13:00March 6th, 2024|Business, Education, Finance, Innovation, Investment|

MWDI Business Loans MWDI provide loans to Māori women and their whānau to enable and assist them to enter into and commence business and/or to expand and restructure their existing businesses.  The loans are OPEN and accepting applications now, with applications closing on Monday, 11 March 2024. MWDI Business Loan Application forms can be found [...]

ANNOUNCING: NEW Coralus Ventures in Aotearoa!

2023-11-07T09:44:29+13:00November 7th, 2023|Business, Education, Finance, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

The new Coralus Venture cohort in Aotearoa were selected last month! These 7 Ventures are addressing everything from reimagining the design, beauty, and sustainability of our systems, exploring the healing potential of food, and uplifting Māori culture and leadership. Together they are working across 5 different sectors + on 5 different UN Sustainable Development Goals. Of [...]

Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust – 2024 scholarships – now open

2023-08-02T10:39:31+12:00August 1st, 2023|Business, Education, Finance, Innovation|

Westpac are pleased to announce that applications for Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust’s 2024 tertiary scholarships are now open. The Trust was established in 1994 to promote, develop and provide for the education and advancement of Māori within the general business, banking and finance industries. The tertiary study scholarships will be awarded to up to [...]

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