NZ Hi-Tech Awards – Free Launch Events and Expert Webinar – Register Now

    2025-01-22T09:04:19+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Technology|

    Poutama is proud to be a sponsor of the 2025 Hi Tech Awards. We are cosponsoring the Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau – Māori Company of the Year with Callaghan Innovation. There are free launch events taking place across Aotearoa, marking the 30th anniversary of the NZ HiTech Awards.  An opportunity to connect with [...]

      Taktix Films

      2025-01-22T09:04:31+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Service|

      Jared Leith - Ngāti Raukawa Taktix Films is a video production company based in Kirikiriroa owned and operated by Jared Leith.  They began in 2009 and have been operating ever since. Taktix offer end to end video production services including scripting, filming, post production editing and animation services.  They have experience in the broadcast sector [...]

        Plumb South

        2025-01-22T09:04:38+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Technology|

        Sam & Sharne Smith - Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāpuhi Plumb South is a small company that’s big on providing customer focused plumbing solutions.  Based in Invercargill, husband and wife team Sam & Sharne own and operate their small plumbing and drainlaying business. The company started in August 2022 as a one man band but now have [...]

          DCH Autosport

          2025-01-22T09:04:46+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Innovation, Service, Sport, Technology|

          Quintin Baker & Donna Hillier - Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa DCH Autosport is a whānau business locally owned and operated by Quintin Baker & Donna Hillier.  They do all types of Automotive and Motorsport work providing automotive servicing & repair, plus they focus on high performance motorsport vehicles. Quintin was raised around cars.  He [...]

            Refocus Your Pakihi After the Holiday Break

            2025-01-22T09:04:03+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Innovation, Lifestyle|

            An article from our partners at Whāriki. Holidays are essential for recharging and spending time with whānau, but they can sometimes disrupt the flow of your business. Taking your eye off the ball before heading away, and the adjustment period upon returning, can mean up to a month where you’re not operating at 100%. As [...]

              Regional Business Partner Support

              2025-03-04T09:16:33+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Innovation, Lifestyle|

              The Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network is funded through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and Callaghan Innovation and delivered by Poutama to pakihi Māori across Aotearoa. Poutama may be able to help connect your business with a range of business support services, including mentors, capability development training funding, research & development programmes. [...]

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