New data on Māori businesses

2022-10-04T10:26:57+13:00October 4th, 2022|Business, Innovation|

The business activities of Māori Authorities and other Māori enterprises come under the spotlight in new data produced by Statistics NZ, contributing to a growing source of information about the Māori economy. The new data provides insights into Māori Authorities, that represent a large component of the Māori economy, and complements the recent Te Matapaeroa [...]

Global Māori Trade Strategy Hui – 11 October 2022

2022-10-04T10:27:10+13:00October 4th, 2022|Business, Export, Innovation, Trades|

The Te Taumata-led Hui, hosted by Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon. Nanaia Mahuta will be held at Parliament next week. It is anticipated to be the largest hui ever held in Aotearoa on Global Trade and the interests of Māori exporters and whānau. The hui will bring together leaders of Government, heads of key ministries, international [...]

Poutama Tangata – 19 October 2022

2022-10-04T10:27:24+13:00October 4th, 2022|Business, Digital, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

The EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) and Poutama continue to deliver the FREE ‘Poutama Tangata’ group HR coaching programme to small & medium sized Māori businesses across Aotearoa. Best suited to business owners, managers, and staff responsible for: workplace contracts, policies and procedures, remuneration, training and development, performance measures and wellbeing. The next session (Wish [...]


2022-10-04T10:27:37+13:00October 4th, 2022|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Kim Hill - Rangitāne Kim Hill, owner and founder of Stratigi, discusses life as a sought-after business strategist and championing Māori in business. “I try not to use the phrase ‘business development’ with my clients because that implies that Māori entrepreneurs and leaders need developing.  In reality, we’ve been successfully trading and capitalising on opportunity [...]

Ngā Tamariki 60

2022-10-04T10:27:50+13:00October 4th, 2022|Business, Cuisine, Innovation, Tourism|

Ngāti Rakaipaaka, Ngāti Rangi, Tāne-nui-a-Rangi Ngā Tamariki 60 is a whānau owned business which is jointly owned by the Bryant whānau members including Mum (Pani), Dad (Mike) and son (Sam), along with cousin Antonia Brell. Each member plays an important part in the success of the business.  Pani is the face of the business, and [...]

Prime Minister’s Scholarship now open

2022-08-10T08:24:32+12:00August 10th, 2022|Business, Education, Export, Innovation|

Know of any young Māori wanting to study abroad or kickstart a career in international business? Applications are now open for the Prime Minister's Scholarships.  The scholarship supports New Zealanders on learning experiences in Asia and Latin America. Applications for individuals are open now from 18 July - 31 August 2022.  More information can be [...]

Te Mātātahi – Digital Marketing Scholarships for Rangatahi

2022-08-10T08:25:17+12:00August 10th, 2022|Business, Digital, Education, Innovation|

Te Mātātahi is an 8-week digital marketing scholarship developed for rangatahi Māori ready to grow into tomorrow’s digital industry leaders. The Whāriki Māori Business Network and Meta, are launching the pilot programme for rangatahi interested in a career pathway into the digital marketing, media and creative sectors. Starting on 29 August, the programme will support [...]

Kiwi Kai Nelson

2022-08-10T09:56:02+12:00August 10th, 2022|Business, Cuisine, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Reni Wereta-Gargiulo (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Rauru Kītahi, Te Āti Awa) from Kiwi Kai Nelson won the Supreme Award at this year’s MWDI Māori Businesswoman Awards 2022. Reni has a diverse background in marketing, promotion, business administration and tourism.  Entrepreneurial skills inherited from ancestors on her mother’s side (O’Carroll) coupled with her Māori values and heritage [...]

Māori Women’s Development Inc. Awards 2022

2022-08-10T09:56:30+12:00August 10th, 2022|Business, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Poutama was proud to partner with Māori Women’s Development Inc. and sponsor the recent MWDI Māori Businesswoman Awards held in Tāmaki Makaurau on Friday 29 July 2022. The annual Awards celebrate and recognise all wāhine Māori in business. This year’s event received over 70 entries, across eight regional and business excellence categories through various disciplines [...]

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