
2023-12-12T08:56:35+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle, Service, Technology|

Dain Guttenbell - Ngātiwai & Ngāpuhi LifeStone is a Social Enterprise that started as a dream in 2016.  Dain is on a mission to create honourable memorials for loved ones, here in New Zealand without compromising on quality or authenticity. Dain's passion for this cause grew when he experienced loss himself, the passing of their [...]

Paku Limited

2023-12-12T08:56:46+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle, Technology|

Paku is a New Zealand design studio dedicated to creating products uniquely of Aotearoa.  They do this by combining mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) with the latest technologies to reimagine the objects around us in a bicultural way. Paku Limited was started by long-time friends Dr Johnson Witehira and James Prier.  The intention behind Paku was [...]

GO Media wins the MWDI Māori Businesswomen’s Overall Supreme Award 2023

2023-11-07T09:45:03+13:00November 7th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle|

GO Media, a leading Māori-owned media company, has been awarded Te Tohu Aorangi Overall Supreme Winner of the prestigious MWDI Māori Businesswomen's Awards 2023.  This highly coveted accolade recognises outstanding achievements, innovation, and leadership within te ao pakihi Māori (the Māori business community). GO Media, co-founded by Andrea Rongonui, shone among a formidable line-up of [...]

MWDI Māori Businesswomen’s Awards 2023

2023-11-07T10:15:12+13:00November 7th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Fashion, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Poutama was proud to support the MWDI Business Awards with our sponsorship of the Te Pōiketanga (Emerging Business) Category. Alongside MWDI, we’ve a solid reputation of supporting Wāhine Māori-led economic development.  Across Aotearoa, we see the contribution that this economic development has for wāhine, whānau and hapori whānui. Te Pōiketanga is about acknowledging a new [...]


2023-10-03T01:59:32+13:00October 3rd, 2023|Business, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Raniera Rewiri - Whakatōhea, Te Arawa Raniera was born and bred in his slice of paradise of Whakatane and currently lives in Ōhope with his beautiful wife and their baby boy.  He is hugely passionate about personal development, health and wellbeing, business, and his identity as Māori. ​ His company Tupuānuku started in 2018 in the [...]

Hiwa Technology Ltd

2023-09-08T11:30:54+12:00September 8th, 2023|Business, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle, Technology|

Hoani Matenga - Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Rangitane  Hoani was born in Ōtautahi and now living in Tauranga.  He has been operating Hiwa Systems for 2 years, creating cutting edge GPS technology with the worlds first geo-location capable safety headset. They provide a solution to enhancing worker safety and productivity via tracking and geofencing.  It can aid [...]

New Poutama Trust whānau

2023-07-05T10:58:45+12:00July 5th, 2023|Business, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation|

Brittany Teei (Te Rarawa & Kuki Airani) was born and raised in Tāmaki Makaurau, she has joined our whānau as our new Business Advisor covering Te Tai Tokerau & Tāmaki Makaurau. She is an ex-professional tennis player, and entrepreneur who works in the international education, tech, beauty and sports industries. Brittany has previously worked as [...]

NZ Hi-Tech Awards 2023

2023-07-05T10:58:52+12:00July 5th, 2023|Business, Digital, Export, Innovation|

Poutama was proud to co-sponsor with Callaghan Innovation the HI-TECH Kamupene Māori o te Tau / 2023 Māori HI-TECH Company of the Year Award. Māori entrepreneur Aaron Ward's (Ngāti Maru) software company AskNicely won the Award at the recent New Zealand Hi-Tech Awards in Ōtautahi. With teams in the US and Europe, AskNicely serves millions of [...]

2023 NZ HI-TECH Awards

2023-02-14T11:49:52+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Digital, Innovation, Investment|

This year, Poutama is partnering with Callaghan Innovation to co-sponsor the Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau – Māori Company of the Year at the 2023 Hi-Tech Awards. Entering the NZ Hi-Tech Awards: Helps you analyse and articulate your core messaging and where your business sits Primes your business - entering other awards, responding to [...]

Te Hapori Matihiko

2022-12-01T14:54:04+13:00December 1st, 2022|Business, Digital, Education, Innovation|

Working or studying in the digital and technology space and whakapapa Māori?  Then Te Hapori Matihiko might be for you! Te Hapori Matihiko is creating resources, tools and events tailored to the needs of the growing community of DigiTech Māori across Aotearoa. Keen to find out more?  Join the Te Hapori Matihiko launch on 7 [...]

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