
2025-03-04T09:17:31+13:00March 4th, 2025|Business, Health, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

Summer Brons - Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu Summer Brons is the proud co-founder and owner of Summerbrons.Tan.  Her roots run deep in the rich tapestry of Māori culture, with affiliations to Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Kahungunu. Growing up, Summer always had a passion for beauty and skincare.  "The idea of achieving a sun-kissed glow without the harmful [...]

Refocus Your Pakihi After the Holiday Break

2025-01-22T09:04:03+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Innovation, Lifestyle|

An article from our partners at Whāriki. Holidays are essential for recharging and spending time with whānau, but they can sometimes disrupt the flow of your business. Taking your eye off the ball before heading away, and the adjustment period upon returning, can mean up to a month where you’re not operating at 100%. As [...]

Regional Business Partner Support

2025-03-04T09:16:33+13:00January 22nd, 2025|Business, Innovation, Lifestyle|

The Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network is funded through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and Callaghan Innovation and delivered by Poutama to pakihi Māori across Aotearoa. Poutama may be able to help connect your business with a range of business support services, including mentors, capability development training funding, research & development programmes. [...]

Open Public Submissions – Treaty Principles Bill

2024-12-19T09:53:08+13:00December 18th, 2024|Business, Education, Lifestyle|

We must continue our collective efforts by submitting a public submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. The Bill aims to enshrine the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in legislation, and mandate their use in interpreting relevant laws. A highlight of the year for us was Te Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti, [...]

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu

2024-12-19T09:53:16+13:00December 18th, 2024|Business, Education, Finance, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu have been undertaking regional resource workshops, highlighting their upcoming investment opportunities. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for upcoming events which will be held across Te Waipounamu in January 2025. The main investment fund, Tūātea, formerly known as WAVE, is focused on business, with investment of up to $120,000. [...]

Prepare your business for annual closedowns

2024-12-19T09:53:36+13:00December 18th, 2024|Business, Education, Lifestyle, Service|

With the holiday season approaching, many businesses will be temporarily closing their doors. Ensure your business is fully prepared by managing annual leave entitlements and understanding the legal requirements around employee rights. Set yourself up for a smooth shutdown and make sure you’re meeting all obligations. For the best advice and information, check out Employment [...]

KUMA Māori Business Breakfast Hui

2024-12-05T10:22:10+13:00December 5th, 2024|Business, Cuisine, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Service|

Nau mai, haere mai! Please join the team for their last breakfast hui for 2024!! 🗓 Date: Friday, 6 December ⏰ Time: 8.00am- 9.00am 📍 Venue: Taste Nature, High Street, Dunedin Please join KUMA for an informal monthly gathering of KUMA members and business owners, to exchange updates on what's happening with your business and [...]

Gift Māori Made This Kirihimete

2024-12-19T09:53:27+13:00December 5th, 2024|Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

If you're still after some meaningful gifts for Christmas, remember to check out and support pakihi Māori this year who can provide the perfect present. The Whāriki selection features unique items infused with culture and care.  To see all the products on offer, click the link here. Check out some of our Poutama pakihi Māori [...]

Todd Couper

2024-12-05T10:22:28+13:00December 5th, 2024|Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Todd Couper - Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Pāhauwera Todd Couper is a contemporary Māori artist with 27 years of experience and a long-time client of Poutama.  His work embodies the traditional teachings of whakairo (Māori carving), combined with a contemporary lens. Todd is excited to announce the release of his 2025 calendar, a collection that [...]

Mata Brewery Medal Success

2024-12-05T10:22:36+13:00December 5th, 2024|Beverages, Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

Tammy Viitakangas - Whakatōhea Congratulations to our long-time client Whakatāne based Mata Brewery, for achieving medal success at the 2024 NZ Cider Awards. The Mata team are over the moon to have recently achieved medals for every single Mata Cider in their range.  It’s the second year in a row they’ve managed a 100% success [...]

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