Poutama Tangata – Attract Me (Recruitment) Free Online HR Coaching Session
A reminder, the EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association), and Poutama are delivering a 12-month ‘Poutama Tangata’ group coaching programme for small & medium sized Māori businesses (SMEs) across Aotearoa. COVID-19 has identified a growing [...]
COVID-19 business support
The amount and frequency of the Resurgence Support Payment is increasing from 12 November and will be available until Auckland moves into the new COVID-19 Protection Framework. A new round of the Wage Subsidy [...]
International Trade
Aotearoa and the United Kingdom reached Agreement in Principle (AIP) for a free trade agreement (FTA). The FTA will help advance several Māori interests covering: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, our environment, intellectual property rights, [...]
Applications to ‘Start-up Wānanga’ are open now
Ahikōmako and Waikato Tainui are proud to present Start-up Wānanga 2021. A Waikato based, annual three-day event where individuals, and teams are guided through the business start-up process. Participants will spend the event with [...]
Pakihi Māori/Māori business Workshops Te Tai Tokerau
BDO is running a couple more pakihi Māori workshops for Te Tai Tokerau/Northland businesses in early November. ‘Wāhine Mā’ workshops are focused on Māori women and whānau in business, and ‘Pātai Mai’ workshops are [...]
Poutama Tangata – Attract Me (Recruitment) Free Online HR Coaching Session
In partnership with the EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association), we present Poutama Tangata - a 12-month group coaching programme aimed at helping Māori enterprises, in particular small & medium sized businesses (SMEs) across Aotearoa [...]
Empowering Māori Enterprise Through Partnership: Poutama and PledgeMe
Poutama and PledgeMe have recognised that we both have the same goal. We both want to help fund pakihi Māori/Māori business. PledgeMe have set an impact goal to have 15% of their equity crowdfunding [...]
New COVID-19 business support
New funding to help businesses transition to the COVID-19 protection framework was announced covering: The Resurgence Support Payment: where the rate will be doubled and paid fortnightly, up to $43,000 per business. Wage subsidy [...]
COVID-19 Portal Updates for Māori
A one-stop portal with daily updates for Māori about COVID-19 and the vaccine rollout, using trusted links to relevant support such as foodbanks, Whānau Ora, and support available for your business. [...]
Join virtual hui on Aotearoa New Zealand’s digital future
These latest COVID-19 lockdowns have demonstrated the potential for all of us to adopt digital solutions to support learning, working, connecting, and doing business in the face of a global pandemic. As we look [...]