The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) are partnering with the manufacturing and food and beverage sectors to develop an Industry Transformation Plan that seeks to help improve these sector’s productivity, employment opportunities, job quality, wages, and international competitiveness. The programmes of work will identify, and progress, opportunities for the sector across Aotearoa New Zealand to make it more productive, sustainable and inclusive. Further background information on the manufacturing ITP is provided below.
Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan
MBIE is seeking to kōrero with Māori business owners and managers in the manufacturing sector, regardless of how big or small your firm is, or how simple or complex your manufacturing process is.
While there appears to be relatively few Māori manufacturing enterprises, MBIE are hoping you will opt-in via this EOI process to help them understand where the focus of this work can best improve outcomes for Maori firms and their workers.
Manufacturing is a broad sector that contains many areas of high-value production and exports. Adopting advanced manufacturing techniques and technologies will improve productivity and ongoing international competitiveness. Manufacturing is a large employer, and improving technology adoption can enable the up-skilling of workers, and better quality and better paid jobs.
Food and Beverage Industry Transformation Plan
MPI is seeking to kōrero with Māori business owners and managers in the food and beverage sector to help them understand how to most effectively target action to support Maori firms and their workers.
The food and beverage sector Industry Transformation Plan seeks to support and accelerate significant value added activity across the food and beverage value chain, and achieve the goals set out in the Fit for a Better World Roadmap.
Get in Touch
If you are interested in helping MBIE or MPI to understand your manufacturing or food and beverage challenges and opportunities, please email In*************************@mb**.nz to register your interest by 9 December. MBIE or MPI will then get in touch with you about the best way to capture your expertise and insights, and engage in the ITP development process.
Further background
The Government’s approach to industry policy is aimed at growing more innovative industries in New Zealand and lifting the productivity, sustainability and inclusivity of our key sectors.
New Zealand has a strong economic foundation but our productivity has continued to fall behind our main competitors. Boosting productivity, including redirecting investment towards more productive sectors, is crucial if New Zealand is to lift the standard of living of all New Zealanders. At the same time we must ensure that our economy grows in a way that is sustainable and inclusive. The impacts of COVID-19 have heightened the need to grow productive sectors while also requiring some sectors to transition to adjust to this new context.
For key sectors, Industry Transformation Plans (ITPs) are being developed in partnership between government, business, workers and Māori. Each are unique to its industry, but they build on any existing work to:
- describe an agreed vision for the future state of the sector;
- identify key challenges and opportunities for the sector; and
- outline the actions required to realise this vision, such as investment, innovation and skills development.
ITPs have been developed for the agritech and construction sectors, and are in development for digital technologies, advanced manufacturing, food and beverage, and forestry and wood processing. More information on ITPs is here.