MWDI Business Loans

MWDI provide loans to Māori women and their whānau to enable and assist them to enter into and commence business and/or to expand and restructure their existing businesses.  The loans are OPEN and accepting applications now, with applications closing on Monday, 11 March 2024.

MWDI Business Loan Application forms can be found here.  It is recommended that you submit your MWDI Business loan application as early as possible.  This will allow their team to review your application and work with you to ensure your application meets the business loan criteria.

If you have any questions, please contact MWDI by email lo***@mw**.nz or phone 04 499 6504 to kōrero with their team.

MWDI He Papa Pūtea Pakihi

MWDI He Papa Pūtea Pakihi supports and encourages best business practice, come along and listen to key speakers.  It is a 2-hour hui bringing together experts presenting their knowledge and experience.

The hui promotes best business practice and wrap around support available to the community.

  • IRD – The commitments required for SME’s and the support offered by IRD
  • A Te Aka specialist from MWDI
  • Local Business Owners speaking about their business journeys
  • Have the opportunity to network with like minded people and ask questions of our speakers

There will be 3 hui held in March in Gisborne, Tologa Bay and Otorohanga – if you are interested register here.