Free workshops and mentoring for Māori businesses

Nau mai piki mai

As part of the Kirikiriroa CL2IMB event on 26 July, Pakihi will deliver a free 3 hour workshop designed to give you a good understanding of your business finances. 

Pakihi will deliver this topic at 2 business growth levels:

1. Te Uma – If you’ve been in business for less than 18 months, this workshop level will help nurture your business.
2. Whānaua If you’ve been in business for more than 2 years, this workshop level will help your business grow.

Scroll-down to find the right workshop for your business!

Te Uma

What will I learn?
– Profit vs Cash Flow
– Pricing Strategies
– How to improve profitability
– Impact of discounting

Register here for Te Uma


What will I learn?
– Costing & Pricing
– Funding your business
– Financial tools
– Cash flow management

Register here for Whānaua

Plus get one hour’s free mentoring
Attend a workshop and you’ll get one hour’s free one-on-one mentoring with a business coach