The EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association), and Poutama will continue to deliver the 12-month ‘Poutama Tangata’ group coaching programme in the new year to small & medium sized Māori businesses (SMEs) across Aotearoa.

The programme is FREE and available to Māori SMEs seeking guidance with their ‘people’ needs and requirements:

  • Focusing on tools and techniques to help lead your people
  • Creating the right culture to attract and retain your people

The FREE one-hour online group coaching sessions with EMA’s HR Specialist Nikki Iuli are held the third Wednesday of each month. Beyond these sessions, 1 on 1 support is available at a special rate.

The next coaching session is scheduled for 12-1pm, Wednesday 19 January 2022.  To find out more email Ni********@em****.nz; to register click here.