About Vonese Walker

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So far Vonese Walker has created 477 blog entries.

Business Mentoring

2022-03-21T20:13:33+13:00March 21st, 2022|Business, Digital, Education, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

On 28 April, Business Mentors New Zealand will host a webinar to explain the benefits of virtual mentoring. Business Mentors New Zealand supports new and developing business owners advance their business capability, capacity and sustainability through skilled business-people gifting their time to share their knowledge and expertise. A business mentor and a mentee will share [...]

Poutama Tangata – Free Online HR Group Coaching Session – 20 April 2022

2022-04-05T21:36:48+12:00March 21st, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

The EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) and Poutama continues to deliver the 12-month ‘Poutama Tangata’ group coaching programme to small & medium sized Māori businesses across Aotearoa. The programme is FREE and available to Māori SMEs seeking guidance with their ‘people’ needs and requirements: Focusing on tools and techniques to help lead your people Creating [...]

Tourism Kick-Start Fund Opens 1 April

2022-03-21T20:13:59+13:00March 21st, 2022|Business, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Tourism businesses in Westland, Southland, Kaikōura, Mackenzie and Queenstown Lakes Districts will be able to apply for support from the $49 million Tourism Kick-Start Fund. The Fund is one of three business initiatives available in the five communities.  A grant valued between $10,000 and $50,000 is available to eligible businesses.  Local agencies will administer the [...]

Seaweed could hold the key to cleaning up waterways

2022-03-21T20:15:07+13:00March 21st, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Science|

A nationwide first land-based seaweed trial aiming to clean up Aotearoa’s waterways is about to get growing beside the Firth of Thames in the Hauraki Gulf. Poutama client, AgriSea is working with the University of Waikato on a two-year sea lettuce (Ulva) growing trial at the Kopu Marine Precinct in the Coromandel. Backed by the [...]

Tumu Whakawātea

2022-03-07T19:47:20+13:00March 7th, 2022|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Our partner, New Zealand Māori Tourism hosts ‘Tumu Whakawātea’ every Monday and Friday between 7am to 7:45am. A great way to stay connected and grounded by listening to the stories of our tīpuna from rangatira across the motu: Dr Tom Roa, Dr Hiria Hape, Professor Taiarahia Black, Matua Tei Nohotima, Supreme Judge Ta Joe Williams & [...]

Trade Works op-ed: Building a new future for Indigenous trade

2022-03-07T19:47:33+13:00March 7th, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Forestry, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

On the back of the FTA announcement, Te Taumata board member Carrie Stoddart-Smith (Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Whātua) highlights the benefits of engaging Indigenous peoples in international trade. The piece, presents a clear case for the wealth, wellbeing and knowledge that Indigenous peoples bring to international trade as the world rebuilds after COVID. Read more here. [...]

Aotearoa New Zealand-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Signed

2022-03-07T19:47:47+13:00March 7th, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Forestry, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

Last week, Aotearoa New Zealand and the United Kingdom signed the NZ-UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Concluding this Agreement is a significant achievement for Māori exporters, opening market access opportunities into the world’s fifth largest economy.  The agreement enables exporters to compete on a level playing field with other countries that already have FTAs with the [...]


2022-03-07T19:48:01+13:00March 7th, 2022|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

Techweek is a nationwide series of events, showcasing and celebrating Aotearoa’s innovation.  It provides a platform for everyone to meet, share ideas and create connections to enhance our future world. Many Māori-led innovations and innovators are profiled during this annual event. This year’s event runs from 16-22 May 2022.  More information about the nationwide events [...]

Ka Hao Business Profile

2022-04-05T21:37:33+12:00March 7th, 2022|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Te Whare Hukahuka & Poutama Trust Are Proud To Join Forces Poutama is supporting The Ka Hao i te Ao Programme – an e-commerce training programme offered to Māori business owners. Poutama will offer a $10k grant to the business that tops the programme.  This funding is to be used to purchase products and/or services [...]

Silvicom Ltd

2022-03-07T19:49:06+13:00March 7th, 2022|Business, Education, Export, Forestry, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Poutama is proud to support to Silvicom - a silviculture business operating in the forestry industry and based in Te Tai Tokerau. Owned and operated by Keita and Will Edmonds, the business provides its services from Kaitaia to Silverdale. Will worked within the industry for a number of years before gaining enough experience to start [...]

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