Virtual Indigenous Trade and Connections Event

2020-11-26T23:54:42+13:00November 26th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Fashion, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Tēnā koutou and greetings, We are delighted to let you know that we are staging an invitation-only Virtual Indigenous Trade and Connections Event under the auspices of the Indigenous Business Sector Group which is part of the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF).  We encourage you to register your interest to attend. The purpose of [...]

Kanorau Digital

2020-11-26T23:55:14+13:00November 26th, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Arataki Systems Partners with TWOA To Deliver - KANORAU DIGITAL Māori Tech company to support the delivery of basic digital skills programme at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa campuses around the country. Arataki Systems, a Māori technology start-up specialising in building digital storytelling platforms, announced that they have partnered with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to help [...]

Matakohe Architecture & Urbanism

2020-11-26T23:55:25+13:00November 26th, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

By Bonnie Jade Kake - Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaue, Te Whakatōhea Matakohe Architecture + Urbanism is a kaupapa Māori design studio based in Whangārei.  We work collaboratively with Māori communities to progress their marae, papakāinga and whenua development projects, and with mana whenua groups to express their cultural values and narratives through the design of their [...]

Collaborative Pathways

2020-11-26T23:55:35+13:00November 26th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

Poutama Trust: Collaboration key to success for Māori businesses Attending the Te Hono Stanford Bootcamp IV in 2015 confirmed what Poutama Trust CE Richard Jones had known about the benefits of collaboration. “We were collaborating before bootcamp, but [going to bootcamp] helped validate that this was a good path for us to go down, simply [...]

SheEO NZ Announce 2020 Winners

2020-10-21T22:23:30+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Fashion, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

The new cohort of SheEO NZ Ventures was announced this week with a LIVE online celebration to meet the successful Ventures!  The SheEO community from around the world all joined the call to watch. It was a historic moment for the SheEO New Zealand community as 60% of the 2020 cohort is Māori and 36% [...]

Moves for NZ’s first seaweed farms begin in Hauraki Gulf

2020-10-21T21:42:35+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Creative, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

Seaweed could soon become NZ’s next big industry – and it could get its start in the Hauraki Gulf. Plans are underway to create the country’s first commercial seaweed farming industry, that will see farmers earn a living and oceans restored. With scientists, farmers, and buyers in the bag, and ocean space already secured, the [...]

Te Whenua Law Ltd

2020-10-21T21:42:10+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Education, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Rotorua lawyer, Tania Te Whenua (Tūhoe, Whakatōhea), has been appointed to the Governance New Zealand Women on Boards Executive Committee.  With support from Poutama Trust, Tania was able to enrol in Governance New Zealand’s chartered governance programme earlier this year.  To Tania’s delight, she graduated at the top of her classes with first class distinction [...]

McLean Drilling Limited

2020-10-21T21:42:25+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Steve McLean and Aimee Hiini (Tūhourangi) are the owner/operators of McLean Drilling Limited. Their business takes them all over the South Island/Te Waipounamu drilling and laying fibre optic cables for Chorus under the UFB2 sector. They also complete work for Enable Networks building fibre optic infrastructure in private laneways and extending the network where required [...]

Whakakotahitanga – Poutama & Provincial Growth Fund

2020-10-21T21:43:06+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Science|

After a bit of behind the scenes collaboration between Poutama and the Provincial Development Unit (PDU) of the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF), a step change has been reached.  This change will see Poutama over the next 6 months investing up to $100,000 into Māori enterprises based in regional Aotearoa. PGF has provided $5m to enable [...]

NZ scientists excited by the promise of hemp crops

2020-07-09T20:37:16+12:00June 15th, 2020|Business, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Science|

Braden Fastier/Stuff NZ scientists excited by the promise of hemp crops By Glenda Lewis We soon got used to cooking and eating exotic proteins and grains like chickpeas, couscous and quinoa.  Now, attention has turned to hemp in the search for other productive, environmentally friendly food crops. Hemp has had a slightly shady image, which [...]

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