AgResearch – Te Puāwaitanga internship

2023-09-08T11:30:45+12:00September 8th, 2023|Agriculture, Business, Education, Innovation, Science|

Te Puāwaitanga Summer Internships - The meaning behind Te Puāwaitanga is ‘to flourish’ or ‘come to fruition’. AgResearch’s Te Puāwaitanga internship was established to provide opportunities for fresh minds to explore, collaborate and contribute to solving the challenges of our future. AgResearch is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated students to join them for their Te [...]

Treemachine Services receives supreme award

2023-09-08T11:31:19+12:00September 8th, 2023|Agriculture, Business, Education, Forestry, Innovation|

Congratulations to Poutama client, Dave Hare and his team from Treemachine Services who won national acclaim at the 2023 Primary Industries Good Employer Awards.  The awards, announced at the Beehive last month, shine a light on leading employers that put their team at the heart of their business. Treemachine Services won multiple awards winning the [...]

Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust – 2024 scholarships – now open

2023-08-02T10:39:31+12:00August 1st, 2023|Business, Education, Finance, Innovation|

Westpac are pleased to announce that applications for Te Waiu o Aotearoa Trust’s 2024 tertiary scholarships are now open. The Trust was established in 1994 to promote, develop and provide for the education and advancement of Māori within the general business, banking and finance industries. The tertiary study scholarships will be awarded to up to [...]

Beyond Your Numbers

2023-08-02T10:41:35+12:00August 1st, 2023|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Leah Keown - Ngāi Tahu Beyond Your Numbers is based in Richmond, Nelson and has been operating since June 2016.  "Our location limits us location wise, being a small region, so we adapt and are able to work with businesses throughout NZ as the work we do is mostly remote based," Leah says. "We work [...]

Kāhui Legal Celebrate 20 years

2023-07-05T10:58:37+12:00July 5th, 2023|Business, Education, Innovation, Investment|

The Kāhui Legal team celebrated their 20th anniversary last month at Te Wharewaka o Pōneke. Wow what an awesome achievement and celebration of being Māori!  Poutama was proud to be there to acknowledge the many years of mahi and achievements of their team and alumni. Kāhui Legal is a specialist law firm working at the [...]

Rotorua Business Awards – BNZ Bilingual Business Award category

2023-07-05T10:58:14+12:00July 5th, 2023|Business, Education, Innovation|

The Tompkins Wake Rotorua Business Awards are delivered annually by the Rotorua Business Chamber.  These high-profile business awards celebrate innovation and creativity in the business sector and have been a highlight of Rotorua’s business calendar for well over 20 years. If your business is a proud Māori bilingual business, we encourage you to enter the [...]

Tipu Pakihi Māori Business Symposium

2023-07-05T10:58:22+12:00July 5th, 2023|Business, Education, Innovation|

Registrations are OPEN for the upcoming Tipu Pakihi Māori Business Symposium, a premier event dedicated to empowering and advancing Māori entrepreneurship. The conference, scheduled for 6th & 7th July, will provide valuable insights, networking opportunities, and practical strategies for success in the business world. Tipu Pakihi aims to foster collaboration, innovation, and growth within the [...]

New Poutama Trust whānau

2023-07-05T10:58:45+12:00July 5th, 2023|Business, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation|

Brittany Teei (Te Rarawa & Kuki Airani) was born and raised in Tāmaki Makaurau, she has joined our whānau as our new Business Advisor covering Te Tai Tokerau & Tāmaki Makaurau. She is an ex-professional tennis player, and entrepreneur who works in the international education, tech, beauty and sports industries. Brittany has previously worked as [...]

Te Wairua O Te Tiriti me Nga Moemoeā: The Promise of Te Tiriti and the Aspirations for Business

2023-02-14T11:50:03+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Education, Investment, Lifestyle|

ANZ invites you to a webinar at 11am, Thursday 23 February 2023. Designed to inspire and inform Māori in business, whether well-established or just starting out.  You’ll hear from: Michele Wilson - co-founder and CEO of AWWA Period Care; a company dedicated to breaking down the barriers.  Michele's business, and personal life, is centred around [...]

Business Support for Wāhine Māori

2023-02-14T11:50:17+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Education, Investment, Lifestyle|

Māori Women’s Development Inc. (MWDI) provide a range of business support services to Wāhine Māori across Aotearoa, this includes: Business Loans - latest round of applications are due by 5 March 2023 HineBoss - the next Online courses are scheduled for 17-19 February & 3-5 March 2023 Tauhoko-ā-Rangi - a 12 week online guided e-commerce [...]

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