Date: Friday 29 November 2019
Location: Auckland
Time: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Cost: $40pp (includes lunch at Villa Maria)
Register: mi***@po*****.nz
Registrations close 18 November. Get in quick as there are only a few more spaces left – limited to 10.
This full day Food & Beverage hīkoi will inform, inspire and connect businesses that have already had some success with a food or beverage product, and are now looking for diversification, growth, and perhaps export.
Participants will be:
- EMPOWERED with research and technology to use in their own businesses to develop and test ideas;
- INSPIRED by leading experts exploring new trends whilst observing ethical commitments to environmental and sustainable production; and
- INFORMED on processing techniques and alternative equipment that could enhance production (cost effective, shelf life).
It’s an opportunity to network with other’s in this exciting space and share experiences and knowledge to grow your piece of the pie.
Mauri Ora
Na Te Rōpū Whakatau o Poutama