About Vonese Walker

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So far Vonese Walker has created 490 blog entries.

2024 NZ Hi-Tech Awards

2024-02-02T00:38:27+13:00February 2nd, 2024|Business, Digital, Innovation, Investment|

Once again, Poutama is partnering with Callaghan Innovation to co-sponsor the Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau – Māori Company of the Year. Key dates: Nominations close Monday 19 February 2024 Entries close 5pm, Monday 4 March 2024 The Awards will be held on 24 May 2024. If you are interested or keen to know [...]

RBP Recovery Programme: Encouraging resilience in Cyclone-affected businesses in Hawke’s Bay

2024-02-02T00:38:36+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Investment, Service|

To kick off 2024 the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce has big news to share!  As part of the Regional Recovery and Resilience funding package announced by Government in September, they’re expanding their services through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP). The Chamber advocated to Government for an expansion of services available through RBP to [...]

RBP Growth Advisor Case Study – Meet one of our Poutama team – Natalie Smith

2024-02-02T00:38:45+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Education, Lifestyle, Service|

Growth Advisor case study  Meet one of our amazing team - Natalie Smith, who is a Growth Advisor with Poutama for the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) programme.  She's got some great tips for engaging with pakihi Māori, such as: "Use your two ears!" Watch how Natalie establishes connections, understands challenges and recommends strategies. RBP [...]

ESG / Cleantech Business Delegation to South Korea 2024

2024-02-02T00:38:55+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Export, Innovation, Investment, Technology|

The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono is offering six places for emerging New Zealand (Environmental, Social & Governance) ESG/Cleantech business leaders to be part of a funded delegation to South Korea in May 2024. This delegation will be joining a New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) led ESG/Cleantech Visit Programme to South Korea. [...]

Ngahere Communities – Manawa Udy on sustaining Māori business through political noise

2024-02-02T00:39:06+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Creative, Export, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Ngahere Inc. is a group of Social Enterprises located in Manukau, South Auckland.  Founded in May 2018, they cultivate communities that enhance creativity and innovation by using collaborative spaces, common values and co-designed programmes. Ngahere Communities founder and chief executive, Manawa Udy says 2023 brought huge shifts for Māori business owners and that 2024 is [...]

Lifestyle Lawns

2024-02-02T00:39:16+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle, Service|

Hayley Petheram - Ngāti Porou, Tainui Lifestyle Lawns is owned and operated by husband and wife team Hayley and Matt Petheram.  Based in Christchurch they formed the business in August 2021 as a bold move away from being employed to 'going it alone' together. With a solid foundation of industry experience and entrepreneurial drive, the [...]

Ako Academy

2024-02-02T00:39:25+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Natalia Wi - Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kurī, Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti Ako Academy is a proudly wāhine Māori owned and operated business that was established by Natalia in 2021.  They were established to meet the growing demand of supporting individuals and organisations in building and growing their cultural capabilities. All of their kaiako (teachers) are [...]

“Native Nations – Tracing Indigenous Footsteps” Wins New Zealand Tourism Award for Industry Collaboration & Alignment

2023-12-12T10:53:20+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Small family-owned indigenous tourism business on the outskirts of Murupara is recognised for Global Regenerative Tourism Project "Native Nations - Tracing Indigenous Footsteps" and expands into more international Cross-Cultural Exchanges next year. New Zealand based Kohutapu Lodge & Tribal Tours, a small indigenous business dedicated to promoting cross-cultural understanding and sustainable tourism, is thrilled to [...]

Poutama Business Investment Grants

2023-12-12T08:56:04+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Investment|

We’re proud of all the pakihi Māori we’ve engaged with and supported across Aotearoa during the current financial year. Unfortunately, due to the increase in demand for support and limited pūtea available, we have put a hold on approving any NEW grant applications for funding.  Applicants are still able to apply but we won’t be [...]

Buy Māori Made this Christmas

2023-12-12T08:56:13+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

If you are still looking for Christmas gift ideas, consider buying gifts to support Māori businesses. In this edition of our pānui, we profile Paku with their range of cultural products for kids.  Some of our previous pānui promote other Māori businesses and their products and below are a few other suggestions where you can [...]

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