2020-10-21T21:42:47+13:00October 21st, 2020|Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

What started out in early 2018 as a discussion with Waiū Dairy on the possibility of producing a plant based beverage has now morphed into one of Poutama’s largest collaborative groupings, MIHI (Movers In Hemp Innovation). MIHI recently held its third annual hui at the Riddet Institute, Palmerston North with 45 people turning up for the [...]

Whakakotahitanga – Poutama & Provincial Growth Fund

2020-10-21T21:43:06+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Science|

After a bit of behind the scenes collaboration between Poutama and the Provincial Development Unit (PDU) of the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF), a step change has been reached.  This change will see Poutama over the next 6 months investing up to $100,000 into Māori enterprises based in regional Aotearoa. PGF has provided $5m to enable [...]

Oh no…..Gang of Monkeys Steals COVID Blood Samples in India

2020-06-15T21:30:14+12:00June 15th, 2020|Creative, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

As if 2020 couldn't get any worse. It sounds like the opening of a bad apocalyptic zombie movie. A gang of monkeys in India stole a batch of blood samples taken from patients who tested positive for COVID-19, according to Reuters.  We shouldn’t have to tell you why this is bad news. The monkeys raided [...]

Nikola Tesla – The Ascendance of Absolute, Unrivalled Brilliance

2020-07-09T20:36:28+12:00June 15th, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Science|

Nikola Tesla testing his Tesla Coils. Source pic via Wikimedia Commons Nikola Tesla - The Ascendance of Absolute, Unrivalled Brilliance By Sean Kernan Every generation brings a few one-in-a-billion geniuses.  Nikola Tesla was one of them. He was a full order of magnitude above the line at which genius is defined.  As a child, he [...]

The Hood and Co – Artists in a business world

2020-04-08T20:37:34+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Export, Fashion, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Written by founders Felicia Brunsting and James Rua (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei) The Hood and Co creates visual content for brands in Aotearoa.  We are committed to the best in storytelling across most platforms through video and photography.  Large commercial brands and agencies have trusted us to create work that has a human connection, memorable and [...]

Carloads – Nurture the Seed

2020-04-08T20:37:48+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Innovation, Iwi, Lifestyle|

Māori tech start-up Carloads is working to transform the way seasonal work is done so it’s “win win” Sometimes the best business ideas are borne out of solving sticky problems.  That’s certainly been the case for Candice Pardy a Ngāi Tāmanuhiri and Ngāti Porou wahine toa.  She left a corporate career in retail and bought a [...]

COVID-19 Support – Māori Business Response

2020-04-08T20:38:02+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

Māori businesses have a dedicated 0800 helpline to coordinate direct access to specialist advisors who can provide business owners and employers during these difficult times. The 0800 4 POUTAMA (0800 476 882) COVID-19 Māori Business support line for Māori businesses was launched last week to give you direct access to specialist advisors who can provide [...]

ahu Boutique

2020-02-27T19:24:34+13:00February 27th, 2020|Business, Creative, Fashion, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Adrienne Whitewood - Rongowhakaata Inspired by Māori art and culture, Adrienne takes traditional concepts and with them creates unique print on silhouettes, reflecting her love of decorative design.  Her ethos is all about creating an emotional connection to indigenous design. Sewing from the age of 8 taught by her kuia (grandmother), Adrienne pursued her studies [...]


2020-02-27T19:24:49+13:00February 27th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Science|

New project explores options for commercialising hemp-derived high-value food products MIHI (Movers in Hemp Innovation) is a collaboration of Māori and non-Māori entities seeking to grow the hemp industry in New Zealand.  The MIHI business cluster has received a $100,000 Māori Food & Beverage Development Grant from the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) National Science Challenge including [...]

NorthWest Shopping Centre

2020-02-27T19:25:04+13:00February 27th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Fashion, Innovation, Lifestyle|

NorthWest Shopping Centre: An area positioned for West Auckland growth Located off the North-Western Motorway in Westgate, NorthWest Shopping Centre is nestled in the heart of Auckland's fastest growing region.  The Centre has expansive parking facilities, electric car charging stations, and an on-site car wash. NorthWest Shopping Centre has secured retail favourites as well as [...]

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