Lifestyle Lawns

2024-02-02T00:39:16+13:00February 1st, 2024|Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle, Service|

Hayley Petheram - Ngāti Porou, Tainui Lifestyle Lawns is owned and operated by husband and wife team Hayley and Matt Petheram.  Based in Christchurch they formed the business in August 2021 as a bold move away from being employed to 'going it alone' together. With a solid foundation of industry experience and entrepreneurial drive, the [...]

Buy Māori Made this Christmas

2023-12-12T08:56:13+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Creative, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

If you are still looking for Christmas gift ideas, consider buying gifts to support Māori businesses. In this edition of our pānui, we profile Paku with their range of cultural products for kids.  Some of our previous pānui promote other Māori businesses and their products and below are a few other suggestions where you can [...]


2023-12-12T08:56:35+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle, Service, Technology|

Dain Guttenbell - Ngātiwai & Ngāpuhi LifeStone is a Social Enterprise that started as a dream in 2016.  Dain is on a mission to create honourable memorials for loved ones, here in New Zealand without compromising on quality or authenticity. Dain's passion for this cause grew when he experienced loss himself, the passing of their [...]

Paku Limited

2023-12-12T08:56:46+13:00December 12th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle, Technology|

Paku is a New Zealand design studio dedicated to creating products uniquely of Aotearoa.  They do this by combining mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) with the latest technologies to reimagine the objects around us in a bicultural way. Paku Limited was started by long-time friends Dr Johnson Witehira and James Prier.  The intention behind Paku was [...]

GO Media wins the MWDI Māori Businesswomen’s Overall Supreme Award 2023

2023-11-07T09:45:03+13:00November 7th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Innovation, Lifestyle|

GO Media, a leading Māori-owned media company, has been awarded Te Tohu Aorangi Overall Supreme Winner of the prestigious MWDI Māori Businesswomen's Awards 2023.  This highly coveted accolade recognises outstanding achievements, innovation, and leadership within te ao pakihi Māori (the Māori business community). GO Media, co-founded by Andrea Rongonui, shone among a formidable line-up of [...]

MWDI Māori Businesswomen’s Awards 2023

2023-11-07T10:15:12+13:00November 7th, 2023|Business, Creative, Digital, Fashion, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Poutama was proud to support the MWDI Business Awards with our sponsorship of the Te Pōiketanga (Emerging Business) Category. Alongside MWDI, we’ve a solid reputation of supporting Wāhine Māori-led economic development.  Across Aotearoa, we see the contribution that this economic development has for wāhine, whānau and hapori whānui. Te Pōiketanga is about acknowledging a new [...]

NZ Fashion Week – Kahuria

2023-09-08T11:31:27+12:00September 8th, 2023|Business, Creative, Fashion, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Last week our Poutama team were fortunate enough to celebrate and enjoy Māori excellence on the fashion runway at New Zealand Fashion Week: Kahuria. NZ Fashion Week has returned in 2023 after a four-year hiatus, with a focus on local Māori talent.  We were proud to tautoko Kiri Nathan, and attend her show which opened the [...]

Babu – celebrating 21 years

2023-08-02T10:41:50+12:00August 1st, 2023|Business, Creative, Export, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

Ali & Kingi Hui - Ngāpuhi A Message from Ali "From the humble beginnings to the celebratory 21st birthday of Babu, we extend heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of our supportive customers.  Your unwavering encouragement and belief in us has been the driving force behind our journey so far.  We are immensely grateful [...]

Innate Furniture

2023-08-02T10:42:12+12:00August 1st, 2023|Business, Creative, Forestry, Innovation, Lifestyle, Retail|

Nicholas Lee - Ngāi Tahu & Ngāti Kurī Nick Lee was born and raised in Westport.  He is a passionate musician and furniture designer/maker based in Ōtautahi, Christchurch.  He owns Innate Furniture Ltd which has been operating for nearly 4 years. Nick and his flatmate Guido Loeffler needed a new dining table during the 2020 [...]

Barber Shack

2022-12-01T14:56:41+13:00December 1st, 2022|Business, Creative, Fashion, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Poutama is proud to support Barber Shack which has operated in Papamoa, Bay of Plenty since January 2021.  The business is owned by Dominic Booler (Ngāti Kahu). Poutama had a chance to sit down with Dominic to learn more about the business, it's aspirations and how the support from Poutama will help sustain and grow [...]

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