Nikola Tesla – The Ascendance of Absolute, Unrivalled Brilliance

2020-07-09T20:36:28+12:00June 15th, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Science|

Nikola Tesla testing his Tesla Coils. Source pic via Wikimedia Commons Nikola Tesla - The Ascendance of Absolute, Unrivalled Brilliance By Sean Kernan Every generation brings a few one-in-a-billion geniuses.  Nikola Tesla was one of them. He was a full order of magnitude above the line at which genius is defined.  As a child, he [...]

Winter is Coming

2020-06-15T21:30:40+12:00June 15th, 2020|Business, Education, Innovation, Investment|

How small businesses can survive the coming economic downturn By Gary Rohloff founder of Laybuy OPINION: The move to alert level 1 will have seen retailers and small business owners across the country breathe a collective sigh of relief. The further easing of restrictions, and loosening of social distance guidelines, means many will have been [...]

Old vs New Economy

2020-04-24T01:26:14+12:00April 24th, 2020|Business, Education, Innovation, Investment|

This Panui we features among some rumbling what we think is an interesting perspective on no going back to the old economy by Rob Campbell. Rob is an experienced company director and chair of Tourism Holdings, SkyCity Entertainment and Summerset Group.  He’s involved in a small charity in South Auckland that is handing out thousands [...]

Augmenting Your Immunity – Fighting COVID-19

2020-04-08T20:36:29+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

By Peter Diamandis Probably the most important precaution (and treatment) each of us must take is to augment the strength of our immune systems, equipping our body’s natural ability to mount an immune response to the novel Coronavirus. This blog covers two routes to strengthened immunity: Immunotherapy & New Therapeutics Naturally Augmenting Your Immune System And, [...]

Entrepreneurial Leap

2020-04-08T20:36:41+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

The Mission:  Help 1,000,000 new entrepreneurs start & succeed Many new entrepreneurs want to know how long it will take to become successful. It is easy, and dangerous, to fall into a “now mentality”. While we hear stories about entrepreneurs building million dollar businesses in just one year, these are rare instances. According to a [...]

Māori Kiwiberry Scholarships

2020-04-08T20:36:53+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi|

The Māori Kiwiberry Scholarship Applications are now open, please pass onto your networks. Māori Kiwifruit Growers Inc (MKGI) in conjunction with Zespri and Plant and Food Research are providing a kiwifruit cultivar development scholarship for one current Māori undergraduate or postgraduate student. The initial scholarship is up to $40,000 and one year’s work experience or [...]

Harbour Navigator – How this could be different to the GFC

2020-04-08T20:37:20+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Headlines around COVID-19, outside of Asia, have continued to worsen.  Rising virus cases in Europe and the US, coupled with the oil spat between Russia and Saudi Arabia, have sharply reduced investment sentiment and created pockets of financial stress.  At the time of writing, the US share market is down 27% since its peak, and [...]

COVID-19 Support – Māori Business Response

2020-04-08T20:38:02+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

Māori businesses have a dedicated 0800 helpline to coordinate direct access to specialist advisors who can provide business owners and employers during these difficult times. The 0800 4 POUTAMA (0800 476 882) COVID-19 Māori Business support line for Māori businesses was launched last week to give you direct access to specialist advisors who can provide [...]

New Zealand Agrifood Week 2020

2020-02-27T19:24:06+13:00February 27th, 2020|Business, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

Sitting at the intersection of agriculture, food and technology, New Zealand AgriFood Week provides a platform for influential thought leaders from all sectors to meet, build relationships and unite for one conversation about the future of food.  New Zealand AgriFood Week 2020 is on 16th-22nd March. The theme for New Zealand AgriFood Week 2020 will [...]

Think like an Entrepreneur

2020-02-27T19:24:20+13:00February 27th, 2020|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Entrepreneurs-in-the-making: Are You Ready to Take the Leap? By Peter Diamandis As an entrepreneur, there’s a lot on the line. Particularly when starting your first business, you face daunting questions: Do I have what it takes?  Is it worth the risk?  Should I really take the leap? For me, being an entrepreneur has been my [...]

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