Māori to benefit substantially from NZ-EU FTA

2022-07-27T14:15:26+12:00July 27th, 2022|Business, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Trades|

On 30 June, a significant milestone was reached for Māori after Aotearoa New Zealand and the European Union concluded negotiations on a high quality, inclusive free trade agreement (FTA).  The full FTA will be released in the weeks ahead, and is expected to be signed in 2023. The agreement includes a ‘Māori Trade and Economic [...]

Te Pa Shortlisted for International Wine & Spirit Competition

2022-07-27T14:15:50+12:00July 27th, 2022|Agriculture, Business, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Poutama client, and Māori whānau owned Te Pa Family Vineyards of Marlborough, has been shortlisted for the International Wine and Spirit Competition’s (IWSC) hotly contested White Wine Producer of the Year trophy. Thousands of wines are entered into the prestigious IWSC each year, with just a handful of wine producers making it to the shortlist [...]

Poutama Tangata – 20 July 2022

2022-06-22T07:55:53+12:00June 22nd, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

The EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) and Poutama continue to deliver the FREE ‘Poutama Tangata’ group HR coaching programme to small & medium sized Māori businesses across Aotearoa. The programme has an open door policy where you can join at any time.  It is best suited to business owners, managers, and staff responsible for: workplace [...]

Digital Facilitation Scheme

2022-05-26T11:45:12+12:00May 26th, 2022|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport|

Māori service providers are sought to help facilitate the delivery of the scheme at a regional level. The support via this scheme will then be made available to all small businesses to access.  This support is to help businesses adopt and effectively use the Digital Boost platform to progress their business digitalisation hīkoi/journey. Suitable Māori [...]

Ka Ora Ka Puawai – Survive & Thrive Workshops for Māori businesses

2022-06-22T07:56:27+12:00May 26th, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

The EMA (Employers & Manufacturers Association) is also helping to deliver 3 more, one-hour online workshops into Māori businesses based in Tāmaki Makaurau during the last week of June 2022. The online workshops are FREE and designed to help business owners, executives, and managers be great employers and people leaders during times of business uncertainty. [...]

Poutama Tangata – Free Online HR Group Coaching Session – 15 June 2022

2022-06-10T13:09:30+12:00May 26th, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

The EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) and Poutama continue to deliver the 12-month ‘Poutama Tangata’ group coaching programme to small & medium sized Māori businesses across Aotearoa. The programme has an open door policy where you can join at any time.  It is best suited to business owners, managers, and staff responsible for workplace contracts, [...]

Budget 2022

2022-05-26T11:45:51+12:00May 26th, 2022|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle|

Last week’s budget announcements, saw more than $1 billion in budget commitments made towards Māori development initiatives. These commitments cover several areas, including: whānau, wāhine & rangatahi resilience, media, whenua, protection of mātauranga Māori and taonga, support for Māori arts as well as cadetships and progressive procurement.  A useful summary covering these specific initiative, budget [...]

The Māori Economy – Part 4

2022-05-26T11:46:06+12:00May 26th, 2022|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle|

In February, Newsroom began a six-part video series on the Māori economy – a series of video stories looking at the Māori economy, now a $70 billion sector. This documentary takes a look into how the Māori Economy works, what drives it and makes it – and the businesses that operate within it. The series [...]

SheEO – Venture applications open now

2022-05-10T21:18:27+12:00May 10th, 2022|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Investment, Lifestyle|

Applications to become a SheEO Venture opened on 10 May. Are you tackling the World’s To-Do List?  You don’t have to do it alone. SheEO Venture applications are open once a year — and in Australia and New Zealand, they are now open until 10 June! As a selected Venture you’ll receive support, connections from [...]

Support for Māori sheep farmers

2022-05-10T21:17:28+12:00May 10th, 2022|Agriculture, Business, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle|

Comprised of 20 Māori land trusts/incorporations and totalling 24,000 hectares of land, the Māori Agribusiness Sheep Milk Collective is to receive $700,000 from the Government as part of its Fit for a Better World roadmap. The funds are to assist in examining the feasibility of sustainable sheep milk at scale and job creation.  In 2020, [...]

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