Collaborative Pathways

2020-11-26T23:55:35+13:00November 26th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

Poutama Trust: Collaboration key to success for Māori businesses Attending the Te Hono Stanford Bootcamp IV in 2015 confirmed what Poutama Trust CE Richard Jones had known about the benefits of collaboration. “We were collaborating before bootcamp, but [going to bootcamp] helped validate that this was a good path for us to go down, simply [...]

Moves for NZ’s first seaweed farms begin in Hauraki Gulf

2020-10-21T21:42:35+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Creative, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

Seaweed could soon become NZ’s next big industry – and it could get its start in the Hauraki Gulf. Plans are underway to create the country’s first commercial seaweed farming industry, that will see farmers earn a living and oceans restored. With scientists, farmers, and buyers in the bag, and ocean space already secured, the [...]


2020-10-21T21:42:47+13:00October 21st, 2020|Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

What started out in early 2018 as a discussion with Waiū Dairy on the possibility of producing a plant based beverage has now morphed into one of Poutama’s largest collaborative groupings, MIHI (Movers In Hemp Innovation). MIHI recently held its third annual hui at the Riddet Institute, Palmerston North with 45 people turning up for the [...]

Whakakotahitanga – Poutama & Provincial Growth Fund

2020-10-21T21:43:06+13:00October 21st, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Science|

After a bit of behind the scenes collaboration between Poutama and the Provincial Development Unit (PDU) of the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF), a step change has been reached.  This change will see Poutama over the next 6 months investing up to $100,000 into Māori enterprises based in regional Aotearoa. PGF has provided $5m to enable [...]

Oh no…..Gang of Monkeys Steals COVID Blood Samples in India

2020-06-15T21:30:14+12:00June 15th, 2020|Creative, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

As if 2020 couldn't get any worse. It sounds like the opening of a bad apocalyptic zombie movie. A gang of monkeys in India stole a batch of blood samples taken from patients who tested positive for COVID-19, according to Reuters.  We shouldn’t have to tell you why this is bad news. The monkeys raided [...]

NZ scientists excited by the promise of hemp crops

2020-07-09T20:37:16+12:00June 15th, 2020|Business, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Science|

Braden Fastier/Stuff NZ scientists excited by the promise of hemp crops By Glenda Lewis We soon got used to cooking and eating exotic proteins and grains like chickpeas, couscous and quinoa.  Now, attention has turned to hemp in the search for other productive, environmentally friendly food crops. Hemp has had a slightly shady image, which [...]

Nikola Tesla – The Ascendance of Absolute, Unrivalled Brilliance

2020-07-09T20:36:28+12:00June 15th, 2020|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Science|

Nikola Tesla testing his Tesla Coils. Source pic via Wikimedia Commons Nikola Tesla - The Ascendance of Absolute, Unrivalled Brilliance By Sean Kernan Every generation brings a few one-in-a-billion geniuses.  Nikola Tesla was one of them. He was a full order of magnitude above the line at which genius is defined.  As a child, he [...]

Augmenting Your Immunity – Fighting COVID-19

2020-04-08T20:36:29+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

By Peter Diamandis Probably the most important precaution (and treatment) each of us must take is to augment the strength of our immune systems, equipping our body’s natural ability to mount an immune response to the novel Coronavirus. This blog covers two routes to strengthened immunity: Immunotherapy & New Therapeutics Naturally Augmenting Your Immune System And, [...]

Ups & Downs

2020-04-08T20:37:06+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Cuisine, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

It seems appropriate that this edition of the Poutama Newsletter says something around but not necessarily about COVID-19. Poutama’s wandering CEO made a visit to Canada just as COVID-19 was starting to spread into North America.  It was interesting to observe the almost panic like mood that started to infect the place with no doubt [...]

COVID-19 Support – Māori Business Response

2020-04-08T20:38:02+12:00April 8th, 2020|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science, Sport, Tourism|

Māori businesses have a dedicated 0800 helpline to coordinate direct access to specialist advisors who can provide business owners and employers during these difficult times. The 0800 4 POUTAMA (0800 476 882) COVID-19 Māori Business support line for Māori businesses was launched last week to give you direct access to specialist advisors who can provide [...]

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