About Vonese Walker

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So far Vonese Walker has created 490 blog entries.

Māori F&B business visit to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand

2023-02-14T11:49:42+13:00February 14th, 2023|Agriculture, Business, Cuisine, Export, Honey, Innovation|

The Asia New Zealand Foundation - Te Whītau Tūhono is offering up to 10 places for emerging Māori business leaders to be part of a bespoke Māori Food & Beverage business delegation travelling to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand from 18-28 May 2023. This is an opportunity to join a Foundation-led delegation to learn about the [...]

2023 NZ HI-TECH Awards

2023-02-14T11:49:52+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Digital, Innovation, Investment|

This year, Poutama is partnering with Callaghan Innovation to co-sponsor the Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau – Māori Company of the Year at the 2023 Hi-Tech Awards. Entering the NZ Hi-Tech Awards: Helps you analyse and articulate your core messaging and where your business sits Primes your business - entering other awards, responding to [...]

Te Wairua O Te Tiriti me Nga Moemoeā: The Promise of Te Tiriti and the Aspirations for Business

2023-02-14T11:50:03+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Education, Investment, Lifestyle|

ANZ invites you to a webinar at 11am, Thursday 23 February 2023. Designed to inspire and inform Māori in business, whether well-established or just starting out.  You’ll hear from: Michele Wilson - co-founder and CEO of AWWA Period Care; a company dedicated to breaking down the barriers.  Michele's business, and personal life, is centred around [...]

Business Support for Wāhine Māori

2023-02-14T11:50:17+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Education, Investment, Lifestyle|

Māori Women’s Development Inc. (MWDI) provide a range of business support services to Wāhine Māori across Aotearoa, this includes: Business Loans - latest round of applications are due by 5 March 2023 HineBoss - the next Online courses are scheduled for 17-19 February & 3-5 March 2023 Tauhoko-ā-Rangi - a 12 week online guided e-commerce [...]

Flood Response

2023-02-14T11:50:41+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Lifestyle|

Business financial assistance will soon be at hand for businesses affected by recent flooding in and around Tāmaki Makaurau, with the Government Emergency Support Package including: $3 million for flood recovery payments to help significantly affected small businesses (less than 20 FTE) $1 million for mental wellbeing support through a boost to the First Steps [...]

Prepare your business for significant weather events

2023-02-14T11:50:55+13:00February 14th, 2023|Business, Lifestyle|

Last week, the Whāriki Maori Business Network shared tips to safeguard businesses and ensure business owners are best positioned to weather any storm.  Whether you were affected or not — it’s important to have a plan in place so you are prepared if a natural disaster were to happen. Here are some tips: Have a [...]

A COVID-19 reminder for employers

2022-12-20T10:19:56+13:00December 20th, 2022|Business, Education, Lifestyle|

Employers are reminded if they, or an employee, tests positive for COVID-19, they’ll need to isolate for seven days after their symptoms first occurred, or for seven days after receiving a positive test result, whichever comes first.  However, if a person is isolating and still has symptoms after seven days, they are to stay home [...]

Poutama delivers business support to Māori across Aotearoa

2023-02-14T11:50:30+13:00December 20th, 2022|Business, Education, Investment|

Poutama Trust is providing Māori businesses with greater choice by becoming a Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) delivery partner, enabling Poutama to collaborate directly with Māori businesses wanting to access RBP support. The RBP provides support to small-to-medium business owners that seek to strengthen and grow their business. Funded by the New Zealand government and [...]

Te Hapori Matihiko

2022-12-01T14:54:04+13:00December 1st, 2022|Business, Digital, Education, Innovation|

Working or studying in the digital and technology space and whakapapa Māori?  Then Te Hapori Matihiko might be for you! Te Hapori Matihiko is creating resources, tools and events tailored to the needs of the growing community of DigiTech Māori across Aotearoa. Keen to find out more?  Join the Te Hapori Matihiko launch on 7 [...]

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