Tourism New Zealand announce new Chair & Deputy

2019-05-14T20:52:45+12:00May 14th, 2019|Business, Digital, Export, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis has announced the appointment of Jamie Tuuta as Chair of the Tourism New Zealand Board and Roger Sharp as Deputy Chair.  The appointments were announced at the inaugural Qualmark 100% Pure New Zealand Experience Awards at Parliament last night. Board Chair, Jamie Tuuta Tourism New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen England Hall [...]

Top 5 Energy Breakthroughs (2019-2024)

2019-05-14T20:52:59+12:00May 14th, 2019|Business, Digital, Education, Export, Investment, Lifestyle|

Peter Diamandis The energy industry is being aggressively disrupted by converging exponential technologies. In just five days, the Sun provides Earth with an energy supply exceeding all proven reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas.  Capturing just 1 part in 8,000 of this available solar energy would allow us to meet 100 percent of our [...]

Kāhui Māori Fashion Collective – China Hīkoi

2019-05-15T21:44:50+12:00May 14th, 2019|Business, Creative, Education, Export, Fashion, Investment, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Written by Missy Armstrong, Poutama Business Adviser “The NZ Fashion industry can be extremely isolating and is not known for kindness and sharing, I wanted to have a go at changing that culture” Kiri Nathan.  Following the success of the China Hīkoi 2017, Kiri Nathan led a second delegation of 8 emerging Māori fashion brands [...]

Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga

2019-04-09T06:31:15+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Cuisine, Export, Honey, Lifestyle|

Ko Ngā Kai Whai Painga, High-Value Nutrition (HVN), is the National Science Challenge growing the science excellence and knowledge New Zealand needs to create and deliver food to the world that people choose to stay healthy and well. We do this by working in partnership with the New Zealand Food and Beverage (F&B) industry and [...]

Whare PR

2019-04-09T06:32:38+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Honey, Investment, Lifestyle|

Bridgette Tapsell - Ngāti Whakaue me Ngāti Pikiao ōku hapu, (He uri o Ngāti Raukawa) The time was right for Aotearoa to have a Māori-focused PR agency, says Bridgette Tapsell, owner of the newly launched Whare PR. After 15 years managing and owning Village PR, Bridgette opened Whare PR creating a sister brand to Village that [...]

Sojourning in North America

2019-04-09T06:32:51+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Investment, Lifestyle, Tourism|

They say that travel helps to broaden the mind (and the stomach) and that’s exactly what was experienced during a sojourn through various parts of North America. Arriving in Los Angeles with the crew from Waiū Dairy along with Mana Kai Honey we attended the Natural Products West Expo held in Anaheim, California.  The annual five-day [...]

Sheep and Goat Dairy Project Regional Workshops

2019-04-09T06:31:27+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Cuisine, Export, Investment, Lifestyle|

You are invited you to attend a workshop in your region. These workshops are part of the nationally focused Sheep and Goat Dairy Project, funded through the Provincial Growth Fund, to grow the New Zealand sheep and goat milk industry. We are inviting all stakeholders including iwi, farmers, processors and marketers, who are interested in [...]

Perceptions of Asia from a Te Ao Māori Perspective

2019-04-09T06:31:40+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Honey, Investment, Lifestyle, Tourism|

New research finds a strong sense of cultural connection between Te Ao Māori and Asia  Māori have an edge when it comes to engagement with Asia – and there’s potential for ties to be further strengthened, finds a new survey from the Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono. The report, Perceptions of Asia and [...]

Bankers beware: Fintechs aim at chunk of SME lending

2019-04-09T06:31:54+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Creative, Digital, Export, Investment|

It’s been a long time coming, but New Zealand SMEs looking for business loans are at last starting to see options that don’t involve filling out a 20-page bank form, waiting weeks and putting their home on the line. The buzzword is 'fintech' - technology companies using digital information to make people’s financial life easier. [...]

Te mautere motuhake o Aotea

2019-04-09T06:32:10+12:00April 9th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Honey, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Tourism|

Written by Missy Armstrong Aotea – otherwise known as Great Barrier Island is located north of the Coromandel Peninsula, roughly 90km from downtown Auckland.  It has an area of 285 square kilometre with approximately 60% of the island being public land managed by the Department of Conservation.  The island has no reticulated water, power or [...]

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