Get Cheffed Catering Services

2018-07-24T04:13:59+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Honey, Lifestyle|

Ko Carl Newman ahau Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi Ko Te Hikutu te hapu Ko Ramaroa te Maunga Ko Hokianga te Moana Ko Ngātokimatawhāorua te Waka Ko Matai Aranui te Marae E tipu ake au ki Te Raki Paewhenua, Tamaki Makaurau E noho ana ahau I Orakei me taku wahine me etahi tamariki tokotoru After 20 [...]

Poutama turns 30

2018-07-24T04:14:15+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Honey, Iwi, Lifestyle, Uncategorised|

On the 5th July 2018 Poutama acknowledged its 30th year of operation.  Don’t worry though, there will be a celebration!! The establishment of Poutama was one of the outcomes from the 1984 Hui Taumata.  Poutama was formally established as a Charitable Trust with a capital base of $10m on 5th July 1988.  A board of [...]

Māori SME Exports

2016-11-22T20:37:43+13:00August 23rd, 2016|Business, Cuisine, Export, Honey, Iwi|

Smaller Māori businesses are stretching their nets to dozens of countries around the world as they come up with new ways to grow, Statistics New Zealand says. Tatauranga Umanga Maori 2016: Statistics on Māori businesses, released recently, looks at the performance of 660 small and medium-sized Māori businesses. Despite their relatively small individual size, the small [...]

Introducing the New Zealand Story

2016-11-22T20:37:43+13:00June 23rd, 2016|Business, Cuisine, Honey|

It may come at no surprise that country of origin is a key driver of consumer preference and that consumers around the world increasingly want to know the story behind the product. But how do you do that in an authentic way? And how do you start to piece it all together? That’s where the NZ [...]

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