Snowball Effect

2018-10-10T02:08:18+13:00September 28th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Investment, Lifestyle|

Who is Snowball Effect? Snowball Effect is a New Zealand owned company that was launched in 2014 with the goal of making capital raising more efficient for companies, and investing more accessible for investors.  Snowball Effect’s vision is to see a New Zealand economy fuelled by high growth businesses, and in its first 4 years [...]


2018-10-10T02:08:31+13:00September 28th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Honey, Lifestyle|

John & Val Helmbright - Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Whakatōhea The Tairawhiti, East Coast lands offer an opportunity for locals to earn a sustainable livelihood via the high grade Mānuka Honey, Mānuka Oil, and more recently the prospects of Kānuka Oil production. Tairawhiti Pharmaceuticals, a locally owned trust based in Te Araroa, and lead by Mark Kerr, [...]


2018-10-10T02:10:32+13:00September 27th, 2018|Business, Creative, Export, Fashion, Honey, Lifestyle|

Tiffany Jeans - Ngāpuhi Tiffany Jeans has lived a unique life. Born into a family of strong, creative women, and an uncle she believed was a warrior, she grew up immersed in Maori culture. Her memories are of taonga celebrated for their simplicity as much as their complexity, and the discovery of a rich heritage [...]

Tā Koha

2018-08-21T03:55:15+12:00August 20th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Honey, Lifestyle|

What is crowdfunding? Many contributions towards a common kaupapa.  That’s what Hikurangi Cannabis’ crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMe earlier this year was all about.  Inviting those that believe in their mission of transforming lives in Tairāwhiti, whilst improving the health of people across the world, to invest in that mission. Crowdfunding is as simple as it [...]

TUKU Wine Launch

2018-08-21T03:55:33+12:00August 20th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Export, Lifestyle|

Last month, over 100 professionals, dignitaries, media, and supporters gathered at the Air New Zealand CICC venue in Auckland City, to celebrate the official launch of TUKU: the world’s first Māori winemakers collective. TUKU brings together awarded Māori wine companies based on their shared values of the land, family and hospitality, offering a wide range [...]

Ngahere Communities

2018-08-21T03:55:47+12:00August 20th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

Manawa Udy Ngahere Communities have created Manukau’s very first co-working, events and maker space, designed for social entrepreneurs, creators and changemakers, led with tikanga Māori and polynesian flair.  Ngahere at Te Haa, is a new home for the ingenuity and creativity that’s bubbling under the surface of Aotearoa. Located in the heart of the Manukau [...]


2018-08-21T03:55:59+12:00August 20th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Lifestyle|

Kane Smith - Ngāi Tahu FitFood is New Zealand's premier, health food preparation company, delivering nutritionally dense, balanced meals across the country. FitFood is real food, real fast with delicious menus of quality product and proteins, locally and ethically sourced. FitFood offers convenient nutrition so you look, feel and perform at your best. “Health is [...]


2018-08-21T03:56:14+12:00August 20th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Lifestyle|

Erica Gadsby – Ngāi Tahu ReCreate is a boutique organic and sustainable clothing label designed in New Zealand.  The garments are ethically produced in their sewing centre in Cambodia.  They provide life-changing training and employment opportunities for marginalised people and hope for a better future. ReCreate's sewing centre is located in the disadvantaged community of [...]

Anytime Fitness, Pukekohe

2018-08-21T03:56:28+12:00August 20th, 2018|Business, Creative, Education, Lifestyle|

Kareem and Mel Hetaraka-Brown - Ngātiwai Anytime Fitness is a 24/7 fitness facility with over 4000 clubs world wide and growing!  Ranked #1 Top Global Franchise in the World 2015, 2016 & 2018. After a life changing event in 2008, Kareem and Mel Hetaraka-Brown took the opportunity when presented, to own and operate Anytime Fitness [...]


2018-07-24T04:13:06+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

Free workshops and mentoring for Māori businesses Nau mai piki mai As part of the Kirikiriroa CL2IMB event on 26 July, Pakihi will deliver a free 3 hour workshop designed to give you a good understanding of your business finances.  Pakihi will deliver this topic at 2 business growth levels: 1. Te Uma - If you've been in business for [...]

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