The Southern Initiative

    2018-08-13T10:13:15+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

    Like Poutama Trust, The Southern Initiative is committed to exponential, sustainable and inclusive economic development of Māori and Pasifika communities and businesses. TSI’s major strength, in partnership with other organisations as passionate and committed as it is, is being part of the council family and therefore close to purchasers and its experience and expertise in [...]


      2018-07-24T04:13:33+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Iwi, Lifestyle|

      Innovative new Māori food product receives top Award The Fine Food New Zealand Innovation Awards held in Auckland recently was the scene for Kaitahi™ - The Native Superfood Company to not only touch the palates, but also touch the hearts and minds of many as part of a new product launch last month. The Kaitahi™ [...]

        The Heavy Metal Company

        2018-07-24T04:13:46+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

        Brett Rangitaawa & Jennie Waterson – Muaupoko, Te Atiawa The Heavy Metal Company is owned and operated by husband and wife team Brett Rangitaawa and Jennie Waterson.  Heavy Metal is a traditional, handcrafted sand and lost wax metal casting foundry servicing New Zealand’s design, transport, defence, marine, art and architectural industries. Heavy Metal is an [...]

          Get Cheffed Catering Services

          2018-07-24T04:13:59+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Honey, Lifestyle|

          Ko Carl Newman ahau Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi Ko Te Hikutu te hapu Ko Ramaroa te Maunga Ko Hokianga te Moana Ko Ngātokimatawhāorua te Waka Ko Matai Aranui te Marae E tipu ake au ki Te Raki Paewhenua, Tamaki Makaurau E noho ana ahau I Orakei me taku wahine me etahi tamariki tokotoru After 20 [...]

            Poutama turns 30

            2018-07-24T04:14:15+12:00July 24th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Honey, Iwi, Lifestyle, Uncategorised|

            On the 5th July 2018 Poutama acknowledged its 30th year of operation.  Don’t worry though, there will be a celebration!! The establishment of Poutama was one of the outcomes from the 1984 Hui Taumata.  Poutama was formally established as a Charitable Trust with a capital base of $10m on 5th July 1988.  A board of [...]

              NZ Goodness Ltd

              2018-05-28T04:00:29+12:00May 23rd, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

              Richard King - Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa NZ Goodness Limited (NZ Goodness) was established in 2012 and makes premium whole food products that look good, taste good and are good for you. Richard King, founder of premium snack brand Moonbar, set up the business to provide discerning consumers with an all natural snack food to sustain [...]

                Danska Cabinetmaking

                2018-05-28T04:00:12+12:00May 23rd, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

                Aaron & Carolyn Rawson - Ngāpuhi Back in 2010 in the depths of global financial recession, Aaron and Carolyn Rawson saw a business for sale which appealed to them.  Aaron had been honing his skills as a cabinetmaker since leaving school and decided it was time he was in control of his own destiny. Although [...]

                  te Pā Wines

                  2018-05-28T04:00:00+12:00May 23rd, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

                  Haysley MacDonald – Rangitāne, Ngāi Tahu One of the New Zealand wine industry’s rising stars, te Pā Family Vineyards of Marlborough, is a long time Poutama customer and collaborator. Led by owner and proprietor Haysley MacDonald, te Pā has gone from strength to strength since launching its first vintage Sauvignon Blanc in 2011.  It has [...]

                    AgriSea NZ Ltd

                    2018-05-28T03:59:48+12:00May 23rd, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

                    Tane Bradley - Ngāti Maniapoto AgriSea NZ Ltd is the leading biological input company in NZ.  It is a Paeroa based, multi-award winning, family business.  Tane Bradley is CEO and along with his wife, Clare, are the second generation to run this company that was founded almost 25 years ago, under the name Ocean Organics.  [...]

                      Medical Cannabis Investment opens

                      2018-05-28T03:59:36+12:00May 23rd, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

                      Earlier this month, families in isolated East Coast communities invested over one million dollars in a new regional investment fund established by charitable company Hikurangi Enterprises.  This was followed by a further one million dollars invested through crowdfunding site PledgeMe.  In fact, there was such a demand to invest, the PledgeMe site couldn’t cope and crashed!! “If [...]

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