Māori tourism capability assessment
New Zealand Māori Tourism (NZMT), in conjunction with Te Puni Kōkiri and Poutama, is undertaking a national assessment of the Māori tourism sector to understand the needs and aspirations of Māori tourism businesses. The [...]
DiscoveryCamp 2020
Experience science in a fun, hands-on environment and work with some of New Zealand's top researchers! Hosted by the MacDiarmid Institute, DiscoveryCamp is a week-long science camp for current year 12 and 13 Māori [...]
Abundance Insider
How Alipay Users Planted 100M Trees in China Alibaba’s Alipay (one of China’s two dominant mobile payment platforms) has enabled users to plant 100 million trees to date via its “Ant Forest” mini-program. Since the program’s [...]
Inside the coming solar panel revolution
Black, bendable, lightweight and cheap: inside the coming solar panel revolution When it comes to solar panels, the future is flexible. Vanessa Young discovers how a MacDiarmid project is unlocking the possibilities of a [...]
Tū Mai Rā Solar & Ice Solutions
Tū Mai Rā Solar & Ice Solutions (TMRSIS) is made up of Ice Solutions Ltd, Tū Mai Rā Investments LP & Poutama. The TMRSIS team have just returned from a week in Vietnam consolidating [...]
NZ Chefs Conference & dinner
The National Chef’s Conference was an event not-to-be-missed by any foodie wanting to experience what the Manawatū food and hospitality industry has to offer. Held over the second weekend of July across multiple venues, [...]
The Māori Kitchen
Rewi Spraggon - Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Maniapoto Rewi Spraggon aka the Hangi Master is a man of many hidden talents: chef, artist, storyteller, musician, broadcaster and carver. Many people know Rewi from his television [...]
Hale Health Centre
Aaron & Kimberley Murphy - Ngāti Toa Hale Health Centre opened in June 2016 when Aaron and Kimberley Murphy returned to Hamilton from Australia on a mission to change lives. Aaron and Kimberley have [...]
EDNZ, Cluster Development in Action
Ifor Ffowcs-Williams - Course Content Cluster development is a centre-stage strategy across Europe and now in Australia and Canada, with regions identifying and focusing on their smart specialisations. This EDNZ one-day training course introduces [...]
TWOA – Talent Search Panui: Startup Ventures Manager
Tēnā koutou katoa, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is looking for an experienced individual to join our innovation team at Ahikōmako - Centre of Māori Innovation and Entrepreneurship based in Hamilton. The Start-up Venture Manager [...]
The Sir Hugh Kawharu Masters Scholarship
Masters Scholarship for Innovation in Science Supporting and encouraging masters level study by Māori in the sciences. The Sir Hugh Kawharu Scholarship for Innovation in Science, administered by Royal Society Te Aparangi, is a [...]