Bakers Delight Rotorua – Kiri Carston

2017-03-28T04:32:23+13:00March 27th, 2017|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Iwi - Ngāti Rangiwewehi After 7 years of living in Victoria, Australia, with me looking after our two young boys and my husband working in the hospitality industry, we decided to come back to NZ to my hometown of Rotorua.  During our time in Australia we had discussed the opportunity of buying our own business, [...]

Being Innonative in Kawerau

2017-03-28T04:32:08+13:00March 27th, 2017|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

In 2012, Te Manawa o Tūhoe, Ngati Awa and Poutama started brainstorming on the possibility of establishing a geothermal powered milk processing plant in Kawerau.  Fast forward to 2017 and the Kawerau dairy project has moved a step closer to reality with the completion of the feasibility study and peer review of the financial model. [...]

CL2IMB Kaitaia

2017-03-28T04:30:53+13:00March 27th, 2017|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Collaborative Leadership 2 Inspire Maori Business  Northland is known for its tropical climate, white sandy beaches, ancient kauri, fishing, diving and kaimoana.  What many don’t know is that it also has some of the hardest working, innovative, down to earth entrepreneurs in New Zealand. 300 kilometres north of Auckland is the quiet town of Kaitaia, [...]

DIGMYIDEA – Māori Innovation Challenge 2017

2017-03-28T04:31:14+13:00March 27th, 2017|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit have always been a strong feature of Maoritanga (A Māori way of life).  From our ancestors who harnessed the natural elements and looked to the stars to navigate and discover new lands, to the tribes that arrived in Aotearoa creating new ways of living, producing food and trading goods. The [...]

Pitopito kōrero

2017-03-28T04:31:30+13:00March 27th, 2017|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

From the 'Gateway to the Far North' to the 'Adventure Capital' of New Zealand... Poutama is pleased to confirm the next CL2IMB (Collaborative Leadership 2 Inspire Maori Business) networking event to be held in Tahuna/Queenstown 3rd May 2017. Check this link soon for further details. NZTE & Poutama have joined forces to consolidate a Māori [...]

Village PR & Marketing – Bridgette Tapsell

2017-03-28T04:31:50+13:00March 27th, 2017|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

Iwi - Ngati Whakaue, Ngati Pikiao Village PR & Marketing, which specialises in Influencer marketing and amplification, recently received support from Poutama to further grow the agency’s business. Village has a reputation for changing perceptions.  Massive results for clients have included: co-creating a video that went viral to 30 million people last year being the driving [...]

Poutama Lines Up 2017

2017-02-08T22:12:21+13:00December 22nd, 2016|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Lifestyle|

The 2016 year has seen Poutama work further on putting the foundations in place to strengthen its activities, particularly projects as we move towards 2017.  Some of our projects have been bubbling away for the past 3-5 years while others have seemingly come from nowhere to gain prominence. Poutama Dairy Group First and foremost among [...]


2016-12-22T20:41:14+13:00December 22nd, 2016|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

Dr Lance O’Sullivan - Ngati Maru, Te Rarawa, Nga Puhi Imagine if our ancestors had accelerated the adoption of the new technologies of the Europeans when they first arrived.  It is true that they did so in some areas with examples of early adoption of trading and shipping practices and of course the use of [...]

New Zealand Luxury Experiences

2016-12-22T20:37:45+13:00December 22nd, 2016|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Lifestyle|

Member NZ Maori Tourism | Full member Tourism Export Council | Member TIA | Qualmark endorsed Maori kapa haka headlining the launch of New Zealand Luxury Experiences at Monaco 2016. The Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) is an annual gathering of the most expensive superyachts in the world.  More than four hundred vessels between 40m and [...]

Scottie Productions – Megan Douglas

2016-12-22T20:37:01+13:00December 22nd, 2016|Business, Creative, Digital, Lifestyle|

Megan Douglas: My Story When I began working in television production almost twenty five years ago I had no idea where the journey would lead me.  I was just glad to be working in an industry I loved.  Over the years I worked in just about every role the industry offers; as a researcher/writer, reporter, [...]

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