The Next Re-bundling Will Be Multi-Media (Video, Music, Games, News)

2019-09-10T23:18:49+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle|

And tech is beating media to the punch By Mike Raab As consumers bemoan the disaggregation of their favourite TV shows from Netflix into Disney+, HBO Max, NBCUniversal, and other streaming apps, it’s worth remembering that in the past 20 years of media, we’ve seen a continual unbundling and re-bundling of content.  For those paying [...]

CL2IMB – Collaborative Leadership 2 Inspire Māori Business

2019-09-10T23:19:01+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Education, Innovation, Investment|

CL2IMB has almost reached the end of the road with only two events left to deliver: CL2IMB Whakatane - this Thursday 12th September at Lightning Hub, 1st Floor, 193-195 The Strand Whakatane; and CL2IMB Hokianga - Friday 11th October at the Copthorne Hotel & Resort Hokianga, State Highway 12, Omapere (see below for special accommodation [...]

MIHI on the MOVE

2019-09-10T23:19:13+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Science|

We’ve just come off a whirlwind road trip hosting our First Nation whānau, Josh Giesbrecht from the Ojibway Hempire and Chief Edward Roundpoint from the Akwesasne Mowhawks.  Over the latter part of August, MIHI members throughout Te Ika o Māui extended their manaakitanga to our visitors, embracing them with openness and a strong desire to [...]

Miromoda’s decade at NZ Fashion Week

2019-09-10T23:19:25+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Education, Export, Fashion, Innovation, Iwi, Lifestyle|

Over the past decade, Miromoda has created a unique opportunity for more than 300 budding Maori fashion designers, to enter their annual nationwide competition.  Around 150, as well as six guest designers of other indigenous descent, have received exceptional experience and exposure by appearing in the Miromoda Showcase at NZ Fashion Week. The 2019 reviews [...]

Puku Ora Ltd

2019-09-10T23:19:37+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

Erana Blandford - Ngāti Pou, Ngāpuhi Erana Blandford is the Director of Puku Ora Ltd.  A company centred around gut health.  Her business is run from the East Coast Juice Bar in Gisborne where she sells fermented foods and drinks, along with healthy desserts, juices, smoothies, fresh salads, and protein shakes. The focus of the [...]


2019-09-10T23:19:50+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

Seaweed company AgriSea NZ knows a lot about adversity, so perhaps it was par for the course that dairy prices plunged just as the business reins were handed to the founders’ kids. Pasture and animal nutrition for the dairy industry was a mainstay of the Paeroa-based business, so the 2015 dairy downturn was a gut [...]

7 Trends that Should Shape Consumer-Centric Strategies in China – Mark Tanner

2019-08-14T00:33:17+12:00August 13th, 2019|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Lifestyle|

To mark seven years of writing the Skinny Newsletter, we’ve put together seven key trends which we believe are important to consider when marketing to Chinese consumers.  These are trends that we have seen forming through researching for and writing the newsletter every week since 2012, in addition to the projects that we’ve worked on with [...]

Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute

2019-08-14T00:33:27+12:00August 12th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation|

Join US Natural Products Industry Experts for the 3rd NZ Annual Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute training 19-20 November, 2019. The programme offers business leaders practical, hands-on advice about financing, sales, marketing, eComm, organisational challenges, finding personal balance, managing change, and key concerns that are fundamental to growing an enterprise in today's competitive marketplace. The last two programmes have enabled [...]

Māori tourism capability assessment

2019-08-14T00:33:38+12:00August 12th, 2019|Business, Education, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Tourism|

New Zealand Māori Tourism (NZMT), in conjunction with Te Puni Kōkiri and Poutama, is undertaking a national assessment of the Māori tourism sector to understand the needs and aspirations of Māori tourism businesses. The Capability Assessment – Poipoia te kakano, kia puawai - is the first Capability Assessment of the sector since 2014. Operators of [...]

DiscoveryCamp 2020

2019-08-14T00:33:49+12:00August 12th, 2019|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Innovation, Science|

Experience science in a fun, hands-on environment and work with some of New Zealand's top researchers! Hosted by the MacDiarmid Institute, DiscoveryCamp is a week-long science camp for current year 12 and 13 Māori and Pasifika students with a genuine passion for the sciences. Start:  Jan 12, 2020 End:  Jan 17, 2020 Venue:  Two options: [...]

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