Get Cheffed Catering Services
Ko Carl Newman ahau Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi Ko Te Hikutu te hapu Ko Ramaroa te Maunga Ko Hokianga te Moana Ko Ngātokimatawhāorua te Waka Ko Matai Aranui te Marae E tipu ake au [...]
Poutama turns 30
On the 5th July 2018 Poutama acknowledged its 30th year of operation. Don’t worry though, there will be a celebration!! The establishment of Poutama was one of the outcomes from the 1984 Hui Taumata. [...]
NZ Goodness Ltd
Richard King - Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa NZ Goodness Limited (NZ Goodness) was established in 2012 and makes premium whole food products that look good, taste good and are good for you. Richard King, founder [...]
Danska Cabinetmaking
Aaron & Carolyn Rawson - Ngāpuhi Back in 2010 in the depths of global financial recession, Aaron and Carolyn Rawson saw a business for sale which appealed to them. Aaron had been honing his [...]
te Pā Wines
Haysley MacDonald – Rangitāne, Ngāi Tahu One of the New Zealand wine industry’s rising stars, te Pā Family Vineyards of Marlborough, is a long time Poutama customer and collaborator. Led by owner and proprietor [...]
AgriSea NZ Ltd
Tane Bradley - Ngāti Maniapoto AgriSea NZ Ltd is the leading biological input company in NZ. It is a Paeroa based, multi-award winning, family business. Tane Bradley is CEO and along with his wife, [...]
Medical Cannabis Investment opens
Earlier this month, families in isolated East Coast communities invested over one million dollars in a new regional investment fund established by charitable company Hikurangi Enterprises. This was followed by a further one million dollars invested [...]
Pipi Mā premiere
Excited children, parents and caregivers gathered at Hoyts, Sylvia Park last month to celebrate the premiere of the highly anticipated Māori cartoon “Te Pakiwaituhi” which stemmed from the much beloved Māori children’s brand Pipi [...]
The MacDiarmid Institute
Scientists from the MacDiarmid Institute are here to help! Do you have an idea for a new product, but don’t know how to make it happen? Are you struggling to get production running efficiently [...]
Tautoko Mai – Can You Help?
Kia Houpapa is a Massey University MBA student based in Wellington. He is an experienced researcher and has four undergraduate qualifications and Masters degrees in both Social Work and Education Research. As part of [...]