Strangely Arousing Ltd

2019-02-13T18:57:59+13:00February 13th, 2019|Business, Creative, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

Lukas Wharekura - Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa On Foreign Soil: Strangely Arousing Asia Tour Diary Featuring as Fresh Talent in NZM back in 2014 after winning Smokefree Pacifica Beats, it took until mid-2017 to see the release of the debut album from livewire reggae/ska act Strangely Arousing.  The self-titled release subsequently garnered them a finalist [...]

Poutama – Haere Tonu 2019

2019-02-13T18:58:12+13:00February 13th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Honey, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Tourism|

We recently completed the Poutama ‘what can we dream up this year’ session mapping out 2019.  In some aspects it will be a continuation of consolidating and growing a number of ventures that were initiated in 2018.  There is little doubt though that new ventures as well as things we haven’t even thought of yet [...]

Create + Construct Ltd

2018-12-20T23:50:23+13:00December 20th, 2018|Business, Creative, Export, Investment, Lifestyle|

By Clint & Tracey Lockwood - Te Arawa Who we are... Create + Construct is a boutique building company based in Auckland.  As a registered Master builder, we build and renovate beautiful homes.  Whether it's a new build with a complexity of modern materials and finishes, or renovating a heritage home. As a husband and [...]

MIHI – (Movers In Hemp Innovation)

2018-12-20T23:50:39+13:00December 20th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Export, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle|

This article segues nicely with the previous article by long time Poutama client, Garry Sommerville...and it is a long time...Garry has been a Poutama client for close on 30 years.  We well remember when he first took his hot sauce, Kaitaia Fire, to the USA and won a hot sauce competition there. His article shows [...]

Kaitaia Fire

2018-12-20T23:50:56+13:00December 20th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Export, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle|

"FEAR AND POUTAMA IN LAS VEGAS" Garry Sommerville - Ngāpuhi "We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold". (Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson) Great first line for a novel, but in our case, not quite true, as the drugs had been [...]

ANZ Insights Report

2018-11-26T21:53:43+13:00November 25th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Digital, Export, Honey, Lifestyle, Tourism|

ANZ Food & Agri Tourism Report - By Rob Simcic New Zealand has a thriving food and beverage sector and a booming tourism industry and while we have much to be proud of, more can be done to connect the two and realise the opportunities this brings. Our research reveals that over 60% of international travellers [...]

Vaka Interactiv – Software Engineer Position

2018-11-26T21:54:12+13:00November 25th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

Company Profile:  At Vaka Interactiv we live in the future of cultural storytelling tech.  For us, it’s all about deep impact and high engagement - creating tech products that enable people to gain sight into a culture other than their own. Culture Lens is the worlds first cultural storytelling portrait that allows people to engage with the storytellers themselves.  Its [...]

Vaka Interactiv

2018-11-26T21:53:58+13:00November 25th, 2018|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Lifestyle|

Vaka Interactiv is a New Zealand owned tech company formed in 2016 with a vision to connect people to culture through deep, engaging and magical storytelling. The company is currently run by three co-founders, Jesse Armstrong, Andrea Fua and Jaemen Busby who are all of Māori and Pacific descent.  Initially from South Auckland, the team [...]


2018-11-26T21:54:23+13:00November 25th, 2018|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Honey, Investment, Lifestyle|

SheEO is an initiative whereby 500 women contribute $1100 each to support early stage female entrepreneurs. Each group of 500 women select 5 Ventures who receive a 5 year interest free loan. The contributors are called Activators because the concept is that they are activating their mentorship, their patronage as customers, their support, their advocacy [...]

Port Nicholson Fisheries LP

2018-11-26T21:54:38+13:00November 25th, 2018|Business, Cuisine, Export, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle|

He kai kei aku ringa for Māori Excellence in Export Port Nicholson Fisheries LP took out the He kai kei aku ringa award for Māori Excellence in Export at the recent New Zealand International Business Awards. Port Nicholson Fisheries is the largest Māori-owned exporter of live lobster.  It is also the largest North Island exporter [...]

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