AI & Shopping – A New Retail Era

2019-12-16T19:02:44+13:00December 16th, 2019|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Fashion, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

By Peter Diamandis AI and broadband are eating retail for breakfast.  In the first half of 2019, we’ve seen 19 retailer bankruptcies.  And the retail apocalypse is only accelerating. What’s coming next is astounding… Why drive when you can speak?  Revenue from products purchased via voice commands is expected to quadruple from today’s US$2 billion [...]

Accelerating the next generation of Māori start-ups

2019-12-16T19:02:57+13:00December 16th, 2019|Business, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Lifestyle, Science|

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is searching for future entrepreneurs and innovators to take part in Kōkiri – a Māori business accelerator programme.  Applications for the next programme intake are open now. Launched in 2018, Kōkiri is a joint programme between Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and Callaghan Innovation – New Zealand’s innovation agency.  Ventures with tech-based [...]

Te Ara ki Mātai Kai – The Road to Food Innovation

2019-12-16T19:03:12+13:00December 16th, 2019|Business, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Lifestyle|

Written by Missy Armstrong Understanding the ‘Business Support Eco-System’ can be confusing as leadership, budgets and company objectives change year-on-year.  There is no secret pool of money for start up initiatives and there is also no secret directory of support agencies. Those that survive the first 2 years have backed their dreams with their own [...]

Waiū Dairy appoints CEO

2019-12-16T19:03:38+13:00December 16th, 2019|Business, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

Waiū Dairy is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Mikaere (Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Kahungunu) as CEO. Ngā puke ki Hauraki ka tarehū E mihi ana ki te whenua E tangi ana ki te tangata Ko Moehau kei waho Ko Te Aroha kei uta Ko Tīkapakapa te moana Ko Hauraki te whenua Ko [...]

Poutama 2019

2019-12-16T19:03:52+13:00December 16th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Lifestyle, Science|

Another year has ambled by and as we look back on it the ever presence of change has moved almost imperceptibly among us.  Actually, it’s not until we do look back that the realisation dawns that for a small whānau, Poutama has experienced a myriad of activities involving Māori enterprise. Among all of this we’ve [...]

MIHI on the MOVE

2019-09-10T23:19:13+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation, Investment, Iwi, Science|

We’ve just come off a whirlwind road trip hosting our First Nation whānau, Josh Giesbrecht from the Ojibway Hempire and Chief Edward Roundpoint from the Akwesasne Mowhawks.  Over the latter part of August, MIHI members throughout Te Ika o Māui extended their manaakitanga to our visitors, embracing them with openness and a strong desire to [...]

Miromoda’s decade at NZ Fashion Week

2019-09-10T23:19:25+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Education, Export, Fashion, Innovation, Iwi, Lifestyle|

Over the past decade, Miromoda has created a unique opportunity for more than 300 budding Maori fashion designers, to enter their annual nationwide competition.  Around 150, as well as six guest designers of other indigenous descent, have received exceptional experience and exposure by appearing in the Miromoda Showcase at NZ Fashion Week. The 2019 reviews [...]


2019-09-10T23:19:50+12:00September 10th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Honey, Innovation, Lifestyle, Science|

Seaweed company AgriSea NZ knows a lot about adversity, so perhaps it was par for the course that dairy prices plunged just as the business reins were handed to the founders’ kids. Pasture and animal nutrition for the dairy industry was a mainstay of the Paeroa-based business, so the 2015 dairy downturn was a gut [...]

7 Trends that Should Shape Consumer-Centric Strategies in China – Mark Tanner

2019-08-14T00:33:17+12:00August 13th, 2019|Business, Creative, Digital, Education, Export, Innovation, Lifestyle|

To mark seven years of writing the Skinny Newsletter, we’ve put together seven key trends which we believe are important to consider when marketing to Chinese consumers.  These are trends that we have seen forming through researching for and writing the newsletter every week since 2012, in addition to the projects that we’ve worked on with [...]

Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute

2019-08-14T00:33:27+12:00August 12th, 2019|Business, Creative, Cuisine, Education, Export, Innovation|

Join US Natural Products Industry Experts for the 3rd NZ Annual Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute training 19-20 November, 2019. The programme offers business leaders practical, hands-on advice about financing, sales, marketing, eComm, organisational challenges, finding personal balance, managing change, and key concerns that are fundamental to growing an enterprise in today's competitive marketplace. The last two programmes have enabled [...]

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